Chapter 16

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We got Sugimoto handcuffed and into an interrogation cell, where Ranpo proceeded to tell him exactly where, how and why the murder was done and how he knew, with Minoura furiously taking notes beside him, tears still the tiniest but evident in his eyes by the betrayal he felt, contributing questions here and then, working together for once with Ranpo. Slowly but surely, they got Sugimoto to confess things bit by bit, just as Ranpo had predicted.

Atsushi, Dazai and I stood on the opposite side of the mirrored glass in another room, watching the confession go down, just as Ranpo had knwonit would've. It was also funny to watch Ranpo and Minoura work together for once, instead of being at each other's throats. 

As Dazai and Atsushi intensely watched the scene on the other side of the glass, my thoughts drifted to a face I remembered very well, with his warm smile and dark red hair. But his expression darkened as my memories unwillingly fast-forwarded to his death, taking his final breath in Dazai's arms. 

"Dazai, a word?" I asked the brunette, who just nodded with a surprisingly serious yet soft smile on his face. I turned to Atsushi. "Take care of Lucky for a sec?" I asked him, not even giving him time to respond as I placed the black, furry creature into his arms.

"I don't know, I've never taken care of a pet before. Plus, I know what Lucky means to you and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen on my watch and-" he didn't have time to finish as he felt a scratchy, wet object brush against his hand. Lucky purred as he licked Atsushi's finger, settling down and getting comfortable in his arms.

"Aww," I cooed "He likes you. Plus, you're literally a weretiger. You're half-cat. You're half-Lucky. And it's only for like five minutes anyway" I pat him on the back a bit to hard, causing him to wince a bit in pain, before sighing and looking down at the feline in his arms that was slowly drifting off to sleep. Dazai just chuckled to himself and walked out of the room.

"Thanks again, Atsushi-kun!" I smiled warmly at him, which he returned, trying to stay as still as possible to keep Lucky happy in his arms. 

I threw open the door and jogged out of them room and down the stairs. I walked out the main door to see Dazai, at the bottom of the steps and was looking into the horizon, where the sky meets the sea Moana style, as the sun set elegantly over the gentle waves. I strolled up beside him, but he acknowledged my presence by merely not looking at me, and waiting for me to speak first.

I had rehearsed this conversation since this morning, but while I stood there, trying to remember all the things I planned on saying and the empty apologies I had planned on giving, Dazai's overwhelmingly strong presence just told me to be honest. It wasn't his body language, he hadn't moved an inch since I'd gotten here, except for the occasional ruffle of his hair or his coat made by the soft breeze. Dazai's presence could do that to you. He just radiated authority yet kindness sometimes. It was a weird mix that worked oddly well together.

"Look Dazai..." I sighed, sitting down on the second last step of the stair right behind us and stuffing my hands in my jumper pockets. 

"I'm sorry for getting all mad at you earlier, it really was just unfair of me and I know you were just trying to comfort me and all by telling me his death isn't my fault and everything, and I appreciate it, and don't think that I don't! But, think about it. His death wasn't your fault, I'm sick of you blaming Ango because we both know it wasn't his fault either, and then, if it's not my fault, then it's his! He's the only one left! And I absolutely refuse to blame Oda for his own death, I refuse. I don't want to put blood on the hands that he so desperately tried to keep clean. I don't want him to be a killer, even if the victim was none other than himself. And I don't care if I feel immense guilt everyday by taking the blame myself. Because I'd rather that, than taint his perfect, no-kill record. And no amount of convincing will make me change my mind about this. So, thanks a lot for your consolation. It... it does actually mean a lot to me, and I'm sorry for snapping back at you like that, and for being an ungrateful brat..."

I stood up and walked up beside him. I closed my eyes, not knowing what to expect.

 A lecture? That's unlike Dazai. 

Silence? That was looking like the most likely option right now.

A rejection? He wouldn't... would he?

But then, he did the most un-Osamu Dazaiest thing one could ever do. I felt his stupid, bandaged arms wrap around me as his insanely tall figure loomed over me in a protective way. I was taken aback by the sudden embrace, but felt the tears that had been welling in my eyes for my entire monologue finally pour down my cheeks in silent sobs, wrapping my arms around his torso. He said nothing yet everything at the same time and we stayed like that for a solid two minutes, him affectionately rubbing my hair, his slow and steady breathing almost like a lullaby as he held me. This was the big brother I had had back at the Port Mafia. He was finally back. 


I straightened up and wiped away my tears to see a confused Atsushi and impatient looking Ranpo standing outside the door of the police office. "Hate to interrupt... this. But we got Sugimoto's full confession on tape and his court date had been scheduled, but he's agreed to plead guilty. Anyway, Kori-chan, with me, we're going to go over the details of the case on our way back to the train station, plus you're the one that annoys me the least out of the three of you, four if you include the cat. I know it's the one that stole from my secret stash a week ago. There where paw prints and claw marks all over the crime scene" Ranpo finished, eyeing the cat in Atsushi's arms before pointing ahead and marching off like a goofy child. 

"R-right" I responded, jogging up to him, while Dazai and Atsushi caught up on the case by their selves, and by that I mean Atsushi asking a million questions and Dazai casually explaining them, as if it were obvious. 

"By the way, Ranpo," I began trailing off "About that with Dazai-"

"I know"

There was a moment of silence as he struggled to open his lollipop that had seemed like it just magically appeared out of thin air, and was being guarded by a tightly wrapped wrapper. He handed it to me and I slit it open with a transformed panther claw before turning my hand back, and handing back the lemon flavored candy. 

"Of course you do"

"Anyways....Do the paperwork on this case for me?" he asked with a smile, popping the lollipop into his mouth while reaching into his cape to pull out another one, handing it to me.

"We can dump it on Atsushi as work experience?" I suggested, expertly slitting the tight wrapper like I had with the previous one and plopped the strawberry flavored sweet in my mouth, holding onto the white stick with my left hand.


Just My Luck {bungo stray dogs x oc}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant