Chapter 2

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"Mister Alastor!" 

Grinding his teeth with a flinch of his shoulders Alastor willed the smile to remain on his face as he continued to stir the hot pot on the stop.

"Mister Alastor? Mister Alastor!"

"Grrrrrr," the corner of his smile twitched the stirring growing faster as the smell of hot chocolate filled the air.

"Yes my dear Charlie? Please wait a moment longer dearie." Worst mistake in his life, at this point he'd rather take the chair. Taking in a deep breath he slowly released pouring the hot chocolate in a small mug for a child. He had thought of just leaving the girl alone in that alley for her parents to find her but that would only risk the young girl reporting what she had seen to the cops. She was covered in blood so he also couldn't look for her parents when she was like that. There would be too many questions, questions that would lead to more bodies he'd have to get rid of.

The only solution in his mind was to bring her quickly to his apartment, clean her up quickly and then send her on her way. Obviously he wasn't dumb enough to let her see the way there. He had made up a game fooling the young girl into closing her eyes the entire journey.

" I win! I win! What do I get ?!" She had yelled out excitedly once she was allowed to open her eyes inside the apartment. He had only gazed at her in disbelief and wonder of once again how could a child be so naive. Just how sheltered was this girl. 

He had quickly and efficiently cleaned the blood off her hair and clothes. This was nothing to him after all. He had cleaned up worse messes than this before. Yet he had never been this frustrated cleaning the other messes than he was this moment. The young little girl kept running all over his apartment in awe, wanting to touch everything in her sight . The only way he could get her to sit down and clean her up was by bribing her to with hot chocolate.

"Here you are my dear, be careful it's hot." He warned the girl watching the stars light up in her eyes the very moment he placed the cup down in front of her.

"Yummy! Thank you, mister Alastor." Charlie smiled brightly drinking the hot beverage as if it were water.

"Now then miss Charlie. Let me finish cleaning your hair and we'll be on our way. We would want your family to worry." Considering this could already be considered a kidnapping. Alastor thought to himself narrowing his eyes slightly as he went on with the task of drying her hair. The blood was an easier task to clean off her hair than it was to clean it off her clothes. Of course he already had the practice, so it was no problem for him to do so. The only troublesome part was getting her to stand still.

"Oh and Charlie dear, if you could keep this a secret between the two of us I'll give you a second cup of hot chocolate."

"REALLY?!? I promise!"


"Where are you?!"

Lucifer yelled out breathing heavily. It had already been a little over an hour since he'd at least seen her. Yet it had already began feeling like torture, the minutes painfully passing by. Anxiety and fear swirled in his chest like an ugly  storm, his eyes burning with tears as he took a seat in the closest bench on an old small park he now found himself in.

Running his fingers through his already messy hair. His current appearance anything but clean and well kept. His hair done came undone and messy from the hundreds of times he's run his fingers through it . Strands of it fell in front of his face giving him an almost younger look. His bow tie untied and hung loosely around his neck. The front two buttons of his shift came loose as he now carried his coat in his hand. His body slightly sweating from all the running around.

Closing his eyes to fight back the tears he clenched one hand on the bench he sat on while the other pressed on his forehead.

He should have been more careful.

How stupid could he have been not to notice her leaving?

Where was she now ? Was she safe? Was she hurt? Had she somehow been kidnapped.

I'll KILL them!

He glared staring up into the distance as his mind went through every possible way of torturing the foolish mortal. If they dared to touch even a strand of her hair- heaven be damned. He'd burn down the world.

Humans would have a taste of the hell that waited for them on the other side once their pitiful lives came to an end. Their pitiful screams of mercy would be music to his ears.  His eyes turning bloody red as he felt his old dark friend whisper in his ear.

They would know why they called him the devil.

I'll rip them to shreds-


"Charlie!" Lucifer instantly stood up eyes back to their human light blue as he stared around frantically for the sweet voice that called out to him in that moment. Pulling his right out of the old familiar darkness he had once inhibited.

"Daddy!"  Turning his head in the direction of the voice he was filled with relief when he spotted his darling daughter rushing over to him from the distance. Tears sprung in his eyes as he took off running. Meeting her half way he quickly kneeled down on the ground pulling her into his arms the moment she was in arms reach. The anxiety in his heart unraveled feeling the warmth of her small body against his own.

She was safe. Finally able to release the tears in his eyes he smiled relieved before he was startled by the sudden presence of a stranger. Lifting his teary gaze his eyes widen slightly at the wide smiled person standing before them. His smile seeming overly kind yet something in his eyes contrasted his smile. Any other normal person would have perceived this but then again he was the devil. Creator of the original sin. He could see the red aura surrounding the young man before him. Almost dyeing the man himself completely in the red light.


This man's aura of sin that tainted his soul was stronger than anyone else's he's seen in a while. Astonished Lucifer hadn't noticed how long he had been staring at the man before Charlie pulled away from their hug smiling brightly up at her father.

"Daddy! Look who I found! His name's mister Alastor, I got to play in a red pud- I mean he gave me hot choco- I mean ! I got lost and he helped me!"

"Is that so?" Lucifer questioned cautiously standing up from the ground as he saw right through his daughter's poorly told lies. Even in their hug he felt something off. The faint smell of blood that he caught in her scent along to the fresh clean smell of human cleaning detergent on her clothes. The same blood scent that was on the man.

"Hello my good sir, the name's Alastor! I'm quite relieved I was able to help young Charlie find her way back."


And so they finally meet. On to the next chapter.

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