Meetings of the 2 groups

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Meeting of Taehyung and yu ho

Taehyung - look... I'll give you my team... And my team has approximately equal forces with Nabi and you already have many powerful forces... So when the war will began ... Then my force with your force will make a double force for Nabi and she'll loose.. in return I need her as my slave for life time and her branch in Korea, US and Japan all the other things are yours.. and I don't have any problem with that... because we both belong to different Continents.... You're from Africa I'm Asian...So it's all okay....

Yu ho - okay... Fine I totally get you and the deal is not bad...but the branch in US will be mine...*without any hesitation he him Nabi's failure was the main target so anything he could do* good job bro... I'll give ya.. then that much... Thanks for offering me such thing...

"That attitude which you showed me everytime... Now let's see who will show whom the attitude.... It'd be so sweet when I'll hear from your mouth... Master ... " Taehyung thought to himself and smirked....

At the other side

Nabi - Jackson... I don't need your help in it....

Jackson - why... You see there is a big ass force fighting with you... What if you lose?

Nabi - say that again and I'll whip your don't know me, you just know my name.. I have my ways to win and such ways that nobody has never thought of... *Then she got interrupted by a male's voice who was her worker*

Man - Mam... actually the elephants are really very wild....

Nabi - it's okay... Try to handle them... Aren't you wild enough to be in my team?? But for now get the snakes ready... Only 2 not much...

Jackson frowned and asked

Jackson - What do you mean ??

Nabi - you'll see at the war time......

2 days later

Nabi - look here's everything ready from our side all the tasks are completed... Now your side is pending so make sure to check your side... Or else you might get in loss...*winked*

Taehyung frowned... WTF why she kept on winking at me every time we meet??is she drolling over me like other girls do?

Taehyung - Look miss Nabi.. whatever you think it is but I have a girlfriend so don't wink at me in that way...

Nabi - Oh! Really... Who's that witch?? Plus I don't need to flirt with you...

Taehyung - dare to say a word about yn and you'll be dead

Nabi - idgaf about any yn , man your girl doesn't exist

Taehyung - bitch you're testing my patience

Nabi - your yn is a bitch you think??

Taehyung - what rubbish?!

Nabi left him dumbfounded without answering

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