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I was putting on the finial touches on my outfit, when Bakugo comes in holding a bouquet. I shut my eyes immediately and I put my hands over my face squealing,


He grins and grabs me by the waist and dips me down, "Who cares about those supper stations?" He asks a flirtatious grin on his face. I giggle and I shut my eyes.

"Just one kiss?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. I smile and I nod but just as our lips are about to touch Mina, Momo, Jiro, and Froppy come in and start beating at him.

"LEAVE!!!!" They yell, he puts his hands up in defeat and puts the bouquet down.

 "This man, I say!" The girls, and I, say in unison. We all look at each other and we laugh. They hug me and kiss me and wave as they leave (Their your bridesmaids btw) You wave and your dad comes in. 

"You ready hon?" He asks linking his arm in mine, I nod, grab the bouquet and I put my veil over my face.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say as we walk out on the pink carpet.

I see my mom, and my sisters, AllMight Aziwa, Deku, Kirishima, everyone really.

The preacher, who is Grandpa Terriono, says the classic Yada Yada and we say are vows and then he says 

"You may now kiss the bri-" He gets cut off by a little yellow haired Pikachu running into the church.

"STOP THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yells, Everyone starts muttering as they look at him, and Bakugo has a hint of anger and fear in his eyes so I squeeze his hand and I smile unsureally at him, and then I look at the mini Pikachu

"Denki...what the hell?" I ask

To the Moon and BackKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat