Chapter Thirty: Not Seeing is a Flower

Start from the beginning

Sogo's face fell in rumination. It rained down on her. Mizu gave her a little nudge with her elbow, and the shorter woman turned to her.

"He... has an idea to ignite their arsenal of guns. The Dutch governors. So they're defenseless. They keep them stored in castle Zeelandia and with a map from Ichiro, they could do it... but we need their keys... apparently, Ichiro didn't feel confident he could get close enough to swipe them because they cling to a high-ranking commander's body at all times."

"So? We'll just kill him. We're going to kill them all anyway. Who is he?"

Sigh. Mizu and her eagerness to shed blood.

"He led the execution today, Mizu, we saw him. He's the bastard who ordered the murder of those boys and Ayi! When he's not working, he drinks himself blind, and he frequents the brothel... almost every night."

Mizu's brows furrowed, knowing the only possible way this was going. "You're saying, Bokeh wants a woman to use his vice against him."

They locked eyes, but it was like Sogo didn't even see her. She was looking right through Mizu, and the samurai recognized those eyes. They belonged to someone whose mind was made up. Someone with tunnel vision.

She hissed, "Don't even think about it, Sogo. You are not—"

"It just rubbed me the wrong way."

"What does?"

"When you fought Bokeh... I'm only here because I am a part of you. I could very well be the air behind your ears."

Because Mizu was allowed in, her woman was, too. Sogo didn't like this one bit. Just because Mizu was the 'man' and thus proved herself, she was a mere component of her..? She was her own person with value to bring!

"Look, he's an old-school sexist from the mountains and his swordwork is sloppy. Who cares what he thinks?"

A moment passed. Looking at her feet, Sogo wasn't even there anymore. Mizu could've been talking to a wall.

Her cerulean eyes flamed in the shadows of the dark basement. She leaned closer. "You better not. Hey! Hey, look at me."

She grabbed her face with one firm hand and turned her face. Their noses were centimeters apart, and all Sogo could see was that pair of blue eyes.

"I'm not kidding around. The last time I was in a brothel, I killed every man there. Now imagine how I'd respond to one putting his dirty white hands on you—"

She was cut off by Sogo pressing her lips on hers, kissing her passionately. The breath was knocked out of the samurai, and she released Sogo's face. She leaned forward, kissing her in return, and slipping her fingers in the back of her hair. The tiniest whimper released from her lips. She wanted more of what they started last night. Their lips parted for air, and Sogo slipped her tongue in her mouth. A shudder escaped Mizu's lips, and she swirled her tongue back against hers.


They were seated all the way in the back and had to keep it down. Mizu felt a fire burning inside her to take her here and now. Something awakened in her and was insatiable. It only took the faintest smell of oil to turn her fire on, and Sogo was a keg of gasoline.

Mizu felt her hands grip around her throat, and she gulped with difficulty down her chokehold. She opened her eyes lustfully, barely keeping them so. What are you starting, right here...?

She reached her firm, calloused hands up the skirt of her kimono. The soft flesh of her thighs goosebumped immediately, and the tiniest choked squeak came out from Sogo's lips. Mizu bit into them, leaning forward, aroused and as her breath labored. Like I'll care if people see us.

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