42. That picture 📸

Start from the beginning

It wouldn’t be all clear or dark, and they had agreed on this. 

They had been mourning for some days, crying, laughing, squeezing the memories they had of their father to the core to be able to not just  condemn him and be happy about his death. He stayed and would stay their father. He gave them surely more pain than love, but he stayed their father. 

Vegas or Macau had the same needs but not the dame reaction, they didn’t live it the same way and it was translated in his impatience growing up. He wanted to do better, to be better, he would still slay against Kinn but because he would have been efficient, he would be someone doing his job so great that everyone would be impressed by him. 

Macau kept it for himself, he kept deep inside of him that he didn’t think doing perfectly everything would bring his brother peace  but he had saw the excitment and the hope in Vegas’ eyes and he didn’t want to break it. He would be here for him, he would, and they wouldn’t be out of this mess in some weeks. 

“How was your pee?” Vegas smirked when he saw Pete coming back in the room. 

If there was one thing bringing some fun in his life it was the presence of this bodyguard not leaving his side for most of their time. Honestly thinking, Vegas was annoyed by his presence but he had found the fastest way to distract himself by playing with Pete. He would tease him, mock him, play with his nerves without bringing trouble to him. He would stop at the point where Pete couldn’t complain about it because it was only an innocent bratty energy. 

“Nothing you have to ask about Khun Vegas.” Pete answered, just leaning against the wall. 

“Don’t be like this Pete.” Vegas whined, walking to him and putting his arm around his shoulders. “You are our only distraction here…can’t you just entertain us.” 

“There’s nothing to say about toilets Khun.” Pete answered back, keeping his calm. He was giving his best for this. The bodyguard had a weird sensation about this man, he never really appreciated him in family meetings but even less now. Vegas was sometimes an annoying boy who was full of himself, and sometimes he was feeling sad for him. But that emotion was somehow always brushed away by the stupidest things he would say to him. He didn’t mind to be his clown if it was keeping him from trying to mess with Kinn. 

Vegas sighed and went back to that chair. He looked at the ground, pouting a small amount. This was when, this was always when Pete was kinda witnessing something in those eyes, something he had no idea about, something he couldn’t translate, he couldn’t put words on. He was feeling that he could feel something different from what he knew of Vegas but immediately, the mask his on. 

“Then, we need to wait like prisoners…” He harshly whispered. 

A part of him was also worried that some rivals might want to attack them now that the minor family was under Kinn’s leadership but he was a lonelier man. He wouldn’t have a powerful cousin to save his ass, he was thinking about it this way. It surprised him at first that he didn’t want to just take over the whole family, but he felt even more powerful now that he knew that he had nothing to do, just to wait and when Kinn would come, when he would. 

The door opened suddenly. 

Kinn came inside. 

Vegas didn’t expect this type of question. He didn’t expect Kinn to just ask about some random picture, about something between their fathers, for sure. But he was pleased, he was delighted when he told him that he was going to let him go back to his home, that he wanted him to bring discipline for the remaining men to not go against them. He reminded him that he needed to be fair and not violent and Vegas clenched his jaw. He thought that it was easy to say for someone who never ever experienced this treatment. He kept quiet, and it brought a smile to Macau's face. 

Pete would still be watching them but less as a shadow, more like he needs to stay at the minor family for some more days to witness how it would go. 

Kinn wasn’t honest, he wasn’t telling more but his bodyguard felt that something was off.

In fact, Kinn might need to face something that could bring some troubles in their family life and he clearly needed Vegas to take his position to defend them if anything was going wrong and some people would heard about it, he definitely needed his cousin, but he wouldn’t confess it. In any way. 


“What did you find?” Porsche asked, witnessing Kinn's awful expression when he came in their room.

“How do you know that I did find something?” Kinn whispered, walking to him.

“Not as if you were opening all of the secret doors and going all through the papers of your father for weeks…and your easy to read for me.” Porsche giggled, reaching him and kissing his forehead. The new mafia leader had been pretty exhausted by everything he had to take care of, everything he had no idea about but Chan had to explain, himself not always knowing it all. Korn was a man of secrets, many secrets. The one he just found in one of his dissimulated drawers was giving him a headache.

“I am already surprised and satisfied that no one tried to get in my way to took this empire…”

“You shooting the one who doubted your quality for taking the lead gave a warning…I guess that I should begin to be scared too.” Porsche played but Kinn fell on the bed and made his boyfriend sat on his laps. The hug, the way he embraced him introduced a weird emotion to Porsche. He didn’t like that sensation that something was bound to happen but was just hidden behind tenderness.

“Kinn? Will you tell me what you discovered ? Or should I guess?” Porsche tried to be menacing, he knew how his man didn’t want to hide anything anymore, but he clearly still needed to push him, to help him, for him to finally do it alone. It wasn’t a problem of trust, it was definitely the scariness of Kinn's past memory, the anxious worry of witnessing Porsche walking away because he would have shown himself without any curtain.

Porsche had no idea how terrified Kinn was this time. 

“Love.” Kinn began, caressing Porsche’s waist. “I really have no idea about that picture…it's…I just…found this.” He said, showing the paper, the name behind giving him shivers and letting him frozen behind his desk for hours. He had tried to clear this before seeing Porsche. Tried  but nothing could be made, nothing could be find at all.

Porsche stared at it. Stared and was unable to speak for some seconds. He touched that picture, he needed to feel that it was real.

“That's…my mother…” He whispered and the gazes they both exchanged at this moment were the coldest they ever shared, the meaning of that picture scaring them a big amount. 

Porsche turned the paper and saw an address. It didn’t remind him of anything. He had no idea what it could mean or what they could discover.

“Did you look for this place?”

“No…I was waiting for you…” 

Porsche nodded. He nodded and he hugged Kinn tightly. Their warmth was bringing comfort to them, and they felt that the coldness of the picture wasn’t the worst they would find. He was glad that he didn’t try to resolve it alone, Kinn was doing his best to include Porsche, to not do the same mistake, to communicate, even if it was still hard. Kinn took way more time than needed to show that picture.

But they were terrified of what this could mean. Kinn was worried even if he was too young to have done harm to Porsche’s mother, Porsche was wondering if it didn’t have a link with his parents death or even the way Korn absolutely wanted him to work as a bodyguard even if he wasn’t directly qualified for this job.

Whatever it could be, he was glad to be able to learn about this with the protective arms of his lover, not hiding anything, waiting for him, both sharing soon this secret together.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now