Cover: 9/10
I love your cover! It goes very well with your title. The only issue I've got is the author's name and the words at the top of your cover. They are barely visible.
Title/Blurb: 7/10
Your title is nice, short and simple. Very easy to remember same with your blurb. It explains how she's perfect to many but not everything is as it seems. I feel you should add some depth to your blurb. Try to dive into what we'll expect in your novel without revealing too much. That will give the readers the excitement to check it out.
Plot: 10
It started well. Victoria and Tobi's interaction at the airport was well written. We got to know about Victoria's pompous personality and the idea of Tobi getting drawn to her at first glance. I could also feel some conflict between her and the idea of her father being a workaholic and not having enough time to spend with his family.
Character: 10
Your descriptions of your characters are well-written. To me, Tobi is like water, the one to remain calm whenever Victoria being the fire, explodes.
Originality: 20
It might seem like a typical romance with the dark pasts...enemies to lovers arc etc, but the way your story flows makes it unique.
Writing style: 19/20
You've got an excellent writing style. It's really beautiful. The only problem I see is that sometimes, you use a period instead of commas before closing a quotation when a sentence is not done yet.
Enjoyment: 20
This deserves reads, votes, and comments! It's so underrated. Keep up the good work!
Total: 95/100

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