5. Thoughts and Decisions

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"Oh!" Felix coughed at the question.

"Its crazy." He said after calming down.

"What crazy?"

"The idea and everything about it."

"Why though? You didn't like Jinie?"

Then a silence sat with them.

Felix stared the chopsticks he was holding, for a fe minutes his mind went flying around the air.

"I cant deny that my parents have good taste in man. He was dear to me, I admit. But, to be my husband..."

"Lix, look. If he is dear to you, then what comes to be the problem here?" Something bugging Chan.

"Remember Kimie?" Felix's puppy eyes made an appearance.

"That jerk again... Seriously, Felix?"

And Felix never thought that Chan would look that mad at him.

"But, I'm sure he will come back to me. He said so!" Even though he looks confident while saying it, his voice was obviously shaking.

"Yeah, he said so two years ago. Where's he now? Did he call you? No, right? Keep waiting for him Felix.. yesh keep doing that." In the end Chan eventually getting all angry.

Felix was surprised by the reaction.

"Sorry, I shouldn't react like that." Chan felt guilty as Felix shown teary eyes towards him.

Felix looked down on the table. He kinda expected Chan to be angry like that when it comes to Kimie.

"Its okay, hyung. I understood." Felix shakily said.

"I'm mad at him not you. You know how much I care about you, right? And both you and Hyunjin are like my brothers so of course I didn't want anything to happen to you and him. If you didn't like Jinie, that's okay. But, stopped torturing yourself with Kimie." Chan was absolutely devastated looking at his dearest friend.

He knows all this while, Only Felix who did everything in the relationship between him and Kimie.

"Lix," Chan called as he sees Felix was looking down.

Felix then slowly turned up his face, he sense something the older was about to say.

"I hope one day, at least you will find someone who can give you the true definition of love. which, I'm pretty sure Kimie cant.." Chan took his mug with him and began to leave.

"Keep going, I know you understand what I meant." Then he leaves to do his job at the bakery.

The door stood there, intensely fighting stares with Felix.

'Definition of true love? Is what I am feeling towards Kimie wasn't true, all these years? Why are they acting like I'm doing some crime by loving someone? Kimie... He also loves me and nothing is wrong with that..'

Throughout the lunch, neither the food nor the drink entered his body. His thoughts has been consuming him for the rest of the day.

"So, did you just get rejected for the second time?" Changbin assumed after listening to Hyunjin's story.

Slower than a snail, Hyunjin nodded.

"Why Felix did that to you?" Changbin adapted the pain in Hyunjin's face.

Felix was also very closed to him since they were 5.

"Its not his fault, really. Our parents should've realized that we cant be forced into this." Hyunjin fidgeting his fingers, thinking.

"But... At the same time... I also didn't want to cancel the plan."  He continues.

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