Cover: 5/10
I think your cover needs work. It's not captivating enough and I don't see how it relates to your book.
Title/Blurb: 10
Your title is unique and your Blurb is well written. I could tell what direction/plot your story was about by just reading the Blurb.
Plot: 10
So I want to believe the second part of your book is your prologue, cause it felt like one. I must say, you are very creative. I knew your genre was based on sci-fi/demigods/sorcerers after reading your Blurb so I was excited to dive in. This is fascinating to read and there's a lot of details in your work.
Character: 10
Your characters are well written out. Well for the characters I've read about. Your descriptions of your characters and their features and personality, make the readers flow with them.
Originality: 20
Your work is unique.
Writing style: 20
I could see some minor flaws, but it's nothing big. You are good at descriptions which bring the world you've set around your story, to come alive.
Enjoyment: 16/20
Nothing big happened in the chapters I read. It all felt like an introduction to things we should know about before the main plot starts. I also advise that you dedicate a full chapter on maps and locations, so it won't disrupt your story flow.
Total: 91/100

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