(20) New Episode Unlocked.

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me, miss," it said, smooth as velvet against my ear. "If I may interject, the mask seems quite beautiful. Would you consider letting me purchase it for you instead?"

I turned cautiously towards the speaker, a tall figure cloaked in shadow.

A shiver ran down my spine at the sound of his voice – an eerie familiarity echoed within it, like a forgotten dream or a face glimpsed in another life.

'Why does he sound so familiar?'

I wondered, narrowing my eyes.

Perched on his shoulder was a white rabbit, its tiny body trembling nervously.

It resembled Winter's messenger rabbit to an unsettling degree.

The magical creature whom he used to deliver announcements in the game.

'Why is it here? Does it even belong to him?'

The stranger continued, his gaze carefully avoiding ours.

"One for the lady, and one for myself, perhaps?"

He requested of the mask vendor, offering a smile I couldn't quite see.

Before I could protest, he paid for both masks with a coin purse retrieved from his back pocket.

My breath hitched as I caught a glimpse of the insignia – a black dragon with gleaming purple eyes.

The purse vanished back into the folds of his cloak as if burned.

'A Black Dragon?'

My mind reeled.

He offered me the purchased mask, its beauty breathtaking.

Delicate lace adorned the surface, and the white porcelain gleamed with an ethereal glow.

Reynold stared at him, speechless for a moment, before forcing a tight smile.

'He's burning inside, isn't he?'

I could practically feel the irritation radiating off him.

Derrick remained impassive throughout the interaction, his only clue to his emotions a flicker of suspicion in his eyes.

"Thank you,"

I mumbled, somehow feeling different – a shift in my demeanor I couldn't quite grasp.

The stranger simply nodded and turned to leave.

For a fleeting moment, our eyes met, a silent exchange that sent a jolt through me before dissolving into the crowd.

"Oi, You, what was that about?"

Reynold's voice broke through my daze.

"I… I have no idea,"

I replied, my voice distant even to my own ears.

Confusion clouded my features as I turned back to him.

Everything felt surreal, like stepping into the middle of someone else's story.

"Maybe," I suggested, clutching the mask tightly, "we should find somewhere quiet to talk."

୨⎯ "  (Ყ/ɳ)'ʂ ΡσƲ  " ⎯୧

A cold sweat prickled my skin.

That was too close.

She almost recognized the Duchy's symbol on the coin purse.

Pushing the near-miss from my mind, I focused on the immediate problem.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒' 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐎𝐆 | 𝘷𝘢𝘥𝘵𝘥 𝘹 𝘔.𝘺/𝘯 |Where stories live. Discover now