Chapter 16: Love is Gone

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"I am sorry, Pihu." A skinny boy apologized with a guilty expression. "He is not in his room right now." Pihu nodded her head as her eyes stung with tears. She tightened her grip around the tiny hands of Mishti, who looked up to her curiously. Pihu thought Jeet would at least meet Mishti before leaving. But she was wrong.

"Can you please give this to him when he is back?" Pihu handed the boy an envelope. The boy nodded at her, still with the guilty expression. She sighed and walked out of the orphanage gate.

It has been two days since she kissed her best friend. She still had no clue why she kissed him. It felt like a natural thing to do. It felt like it was meant to be. It still feels right. She, even after mulling over the incident for two days, could not bring herself to feel shame or guilt. It felt like ever since that night, Jeet avoided her like the plague. Pihu just wanted to talk it out and sort things out, but he wouldn't give her a chance. She knew she was in love with her best friend for a long time, but she realized it that night.

"Where are you going?" Pihu asked Tima as she reached home. Tima jumped back, startled. Mishti looked at Tima while she suckled on the lollipop.

"I..Kailashda." Tima stammered. Pihu's eyes softened. Tima had changed drastically after that horrible night. She would hardly talk to anyone. Pihu wondered when the last time she heard Tima say a complete functional sentence was. She would just stammer broken words, flinch at small things, and get started at sudden movements all the time. It felt like she was in a constant state of panic.

"Come back before lunch," Pihu said in the softest tone she could conjure. Tima just nodded. She hesitantly stretched her hands towards Mishti. Mishti took her hands. "Take her home." Pihu smiled at her.

"NO...I am not going." Tima heard Palash's booming voice as she and Mishti entered the mansion. "I will join college with Kailash next year," he said stubbornly. Tima looked around to find Palash and Kailash sitting at the dining table. Aroop was seated opposite Palash, and Dipu towered over Palash. Palash was visibly distressed.

"Then why did you write the entrance exam?" Dipu demanded.

"I...I..." Palash was clearly falling short of a good explanation.

"You might not get such a good opportunity next year." Aroop tried to reason with Palash. "NALSAR Palash? You got through NALSAR."

"Right. Kailash will be starting next year." Dipu urged.

"But ma..." Palash tried to protest.

"Palash..." Kailash called out for his brother. His eyes were on his lap. "I will not join a law college anyway." The scar that marred his face crumpled as he scrunched his face. He was trying to control his emotions. "I...I...don't want to be a lawyer." He declared.

"WHAT?" Palash asked. "We had decided together, right? Since we were eight." He slammed his palm on the table. "We decided we will be a lawyer like baba, and we will have our own firm."

"Yes...but now I don't," Kailash whispered as he tried to grab his crutches. He slowly stood up and tried to walk towards his room.

"B...but why?" Kailash heard his twin's painful voice. Mishti ran towards Kailash and held the end of his kurta. She wanted to help her brother to walk. Kailash stopped and smiled at her. But soon, his smile dropped, and he sighed.

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