Chapter 7- Part 2.

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When Sarita came out of that room after 6 months everyone thought that she might have changed but no she did not change instead she became more cruel and which cause the end of her life and this happen with a start of Appa.

Sarita was so angry on Appa and she use to give him one medicine that medicine was of paralyzing person she gave this medicine to Appa well Anna was not knowing about this ,instead she abused Anna and used to threaten him for life .

Present day

"Aia prr tika melali khaysun he ausihdi?(Mother from where did she got this medicine?)" Radha asked "Taya bayeche ther kahi sample navte ,ti baya aajun pn jat hoti Mr.jau ji kadhe taycha mansan anun dilyak tika(Behavior of that Sarita was not changed , she was still going at Mr.Jau ji and he only gaved her that medicine.)" Savitri Bai said. "Mg Anna ch adanv desai kas zal?(The how did Anna's surname become Desai?)" Jayodeni Asked "Taya pude ahe .(I will come on that too.)" answered Savitri bai.

Story of Sarita again in past.

One night Appa called Anna when Sarita was not at home and there was also persent Appa's close Lawyer friend Ramji kaka , Appa said "Anna atta tuch maza khara adhar haye , Sarita cha asa vagna pahun mala kahi tichaya vrr vishvas nahiye and tikaya maza ha vavsay sambhlu shakuchya nahiye . Anna me tuka maza vars mhun ghoshit karto and aaj pasun tu Desai , haya Kagda vrr sahi kar(Anna now you are my pillar, due to sarita's behavior she will not take proper care of this business hence I declare you as my legal hire and from now onwards you are Desai,Sign on those papers.)" Ramji Kaka gave him papers and Anna said "Pn haya saglya vrr trr sarita cha hakka ha , me he kasa ghue shaktya? (But sarita is rightfull hire of all this , how can I accept this?). Tika khup dukha hoye na(She will get hurt)" Then Appa said " Anna ti ya sagla cha chukich vaper karnar ani tu ya ghara sathi khup kela haye. Tu atta jast ha karbhar sambhalt hayes tasa natar sambhal pn sahi kar.(Anna Sarita will use this property in wrong way . Until today you have taken care of this business just like that do it in future but now sign please.)" before Anna could say anything Appa join his hands , so Anna has to sign them .

Days go by, one day Sarita was giving medicine to Appa , Anna came there with doctor , he took from her and gave it to doctor , doctor told that this medicine is for paralyzing . Anna drag her her out of Appa's room and questioned her but she didn't answered them and left the house. On same day Sarita went to Mr.Jauji's home and again Jauji's wife caught them redhanded. She drag both of them on street . While Anna's loyal worker told Anna about this and took him on that place , there Sarita and Mr.Jauji were tied to tree and all villagers were pouring petrol on them while Jauji's wife was lighting fire with match stick . Seeing this Anna started to stop them as well as was begging for life of Sarita and Mr.Jauji . But villagers were not listening , when Anna started to untie them villagers hold him back and.........

And...Mr.Jauji's wife put on fire on Sarita nad Mr.Jauji. They both started to scream while Anna was trying to get out of hold of those villagers but he was not able to . At that time Sarita said "Maka maru tumhi tucha murtuyu bolavala ha , Me Anna Ani Appa cha jive ghenar ani sobt tucha (To villagers) sarvacha ghovak pn maranar bagha tumhi atta me kaya kaya karatya ani tuza pn (to Mr.Jauji's wife) (by killing me you have called your death I will kill all men,Anna , Appa and Mrs.Jauji (those who were present on spot)" and she with Mr.Jauji died.

Present Day.

"Kahi divas ne kabar ali ki Jauji cha bayal gela ani gavat khup lok eka natar ek jau lagla(After some days news came that Mr.Jauji's wife is dead and one-after-one deaths were happening)"Savitri bai said . "Manje tika ticha baddla gheu cha ha . Mhun ti ha sagla karat ha(Means she wants to take her revenge hence she is doing all this)" Jayodeni said "Hoye(yes)" Savitri bai said.

Suddenly voice came from Anna's room , everyone ran there and Anna was screaming that "Sod makka(Leave me)" they sprayed some water on his face , when he woke up he said She will kill me save me please.....she will kill me.....and his fever was higher that before.

End of Chapter 7-Part 2.

Will Sarita will really kill Anna? Will Savita bai and family member will try to stop or will able to stop her?......To know keep reading!

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