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So this story I decided to make based on my life sorta, I feel like I really connect with Adam as he probably felt he was second choice to Lilith and Eve. So that's how I feel, all growing up and all that. There will be suicide warnings on some chapters like the topic, sometimes I'll put fluff, smut, lemon and lime shit.

But this will be taken a journey through my life growing up, and how I kinda connect with Adam. But it is an Adam x Reader. If you don't like it or have any concerns please let me know, I've just been down in the dumps and needed this to be known. As my family friend died recently on February 1st and I've been struggling ever since.

So maybe I'll get some emotions out in this book, and maybe I'll cheer myself up if I want aha...

(Y/n) - your name goes here
(M/n) - your middle name goes here
(L/n) - your last name goes here
(H/c) - your hair color
(E/c) - your eye color
(S/c) - your skin color (I'll sometimes use this)
(F/c) - your favorite color

Now we move onto dialogue.

"Hey." - this is when someone is talking of course
What should I wear today? - this is when someone is talking in their mind
'Fuck me..' - this is when someone says something under their breath
"*sneezes*" - this is when an action happens while a person is talking.
*ring ring* this is when an action happens and there's no dialogue
(Um hello!) - this is when I'm talking in a middle of a sentence, reminding you of something that u may or may not have forgotten
(End tape) - this is when the chapter has ended and I have something to tell you all, if it doesn't look important then skip it so u can continue to read the story.
Wait a minute! - this is when it's very important news and it's not part of the story so please don't skip it!

Idk if I feel like doing a summary, kinda feel like leaving it at the description hehe....

Always Second Best... (Adam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now