Chapter 4: The Future Vision

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Eun-hee returned home and sat down at her desk, lost in thought. Her mind raced as she reflected on the events of the day, from his unexpected encounter with Hye-bora and the resulting conflict, to the tender moment she had shared with Hyun-woo as they walked home.
A knock on the door broke her reverie, and her father poked his head in.

"I made dinner," he announced. "Come down and eat."

Eun-hee nodded, rising from her chair. She followed her father into the dining room, where a steaming pot of rice and kimchi stew awaited them.

"This smells delicious," she remarked, taking a seat at the table.

"How was your day?" her father asked as he dished out the food.

"It was...interesting," Eun-hee said, a wry smile crossing her lips.

"Interesting? What happened?" her father pressed, clearly intrigued.

Eun-hee took a deep breath before launching into an account of the day's events, beginning with her chance encounter with Hyun-woo and her subsequent confrontation with Hye-bora.

As she recounted the details, Eun-hee could feel her frustration mounting anew. She could not understand Hye-bora's seemingly unfounded jealousy, nor the intensity of her warning.

Her father listened patiently, nodding along as she spoke. When she finished, he gave a low chuckle.
"Sounds like you had quite an adventure today," he observed.
"That's one way to put it," Eun-hee muttered.

"Well, don't let it get you down," her father advised, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"If I know you, you'll find a way to turn this situation to your advantage."

Eun-hee raised an eyebrow, skeptical of his words. "What do you mean?"

Her father smiled mysteriously, his gaze seeming to look through her.

"Just remember, there's more to life than chasing after boys."

Eun-hee pondered her father's words as she ate, trying to make sense of them. Was he encouraging her to pursue her own interests, or warning her not to let herself get distracted by romance?

She didn't know, and she wasn't sure it mattered. As she finished her meal, she resolved to focus on her own ambitions, regardless of what others might think.

She headed back to her room, her thoughts still occupied with her encounter with Hye-bora.

Eun-hee didn't know why Hye-bora had seemed so wary of her, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to it. After all, why else would Hye-bora have taken such an instant dislike to her?

Eun-hee's heart began to race as a possibility occurred to her. Perhaps Hye-bora harbored feelings for Hyun-woo, and was concerned that Eun-hee would try to steal him away from her.

The thought was intoxicating. Eun-hee's competitive nature reared its head, and she felt a thrill at the thought of winning Hyun-woo's affections over Hye-bora. But she cautioned herself not to rush into anything, and to be careful not to hurt either Hye-bora or Hyun-woo.

Eun-hee resolved to tread lightly and see how things developed. If Hye-bora was indeed in love with Hyun-woo, and Hyun-woo had reciprocal feelings, then Eun-hee would have to accept defeat gracefully and step aside.

As Eun-hee drifted off to sleep that night, her mind still swirling with thoughts of the day's events, she found herself enveloped in a dream unlike any she had experienced before.

In her dream, she stood in a vast, open field bathed in golden sunlight. The air was crisp and clean, carrying the scent of wildflowers on the breeze. As she looked around, she noticed a figure in the distance, walking towards her with purpose.

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