2 | Possesive

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Y/n's POV

" Mind your words pretty . I might consider it as a sign to win your heart ."

I could feel the heat which had rose on my cheeks making them flush with embarrassment. I hated guys like him . Over confidence brimming till it's flowing out and flirtuous lines always prepared. They didn't know how to take a no . Either they would act arrogantly or like a carefree douche.

I heaved out a breath , my hand tightening around the shot glass in my hold. I had looked away from Taehyung previously but after settling down my roaring nerves , I turned to completely face him . " I would like to watch you try and fail ." These words meant nothing to guys like him . Skinship and emotions were like toys to them . They could play with people's feelings and toss them away once done . I wasn't having it .

Watching his baffled reaction made my lips curve into a satisfied smirk. I took the shot glass and drank it all at once before turning to face the other gawking eyes . " I drank it because I'm going to chicken out . Hope that followed the rules you made ." I didn't wait for another reply and walked away from there with Emily's call following me from behind .

As I stepped outside the venue with my best friend catching up with me , beside the embarrassment I had felt , came the feeling of guilt.  I had just ruined the night for myself and Emily as well.

Later that night -

Later that night -

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