CHAPTER FOUR: The Party Of All Parties

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It had been a few days since the stabbing and the argument between split and pest. Poob was in his apartment hanging up party decorations with infected for the party he was hosting.

-"thanks for coming over and helping me Infected! I couldn't have gotten this done without you."

-"n0 pr0bl3m ur l1ke my fr13nd 4ft3r 4ll!"

Infected would sneeze after, wiping his snot on the decorations. Poob didn't mind, it's not like anyone was gonna be touching those anyways.

Poob would step down the stool he was on and check his list of things for a perfect party.

Food: check.

Drinks: check.

Decorations: check!

Poob let out a sigh of relief. Everything was checked off. All they needed now was the guests!

Poob would open up his phone and go to his contacts and check his messages. Poob could already tell this party was gonna be big. Alot of people confirmed they were going.

Except for pest.

When poob texted him he replied with a "maybe".

-"please?" Poob responded.

-"I'll think about it" pest texted back.

Poob would start to twiddle his thumbs. He REALLY wanted pest to say yes. He hadn't been to one of his parties in a long time.

"Y0u 0k4y br4h?" Infected asked, snot dripping down his nose as usual.

-"it's nothing infected..."

-"y0u sur3? Y0u c4n t3ll m3!"

-"well it's about pest... I don't know if he's coming or not and I really want him to go"

"D03sn't h3 h4t3 p4rt13s?" Infected asked, trying not to sound rude.

-"well yeah but he's changed and this is gonna be one of my biggest parties yet!"


-"I gu3ss w3ll h4v3 t0 w41t 4nd s33!"


It was a few hours later and the first guests were arriving. After a few minutes the house was already packed. Some of the other NPCs even came to the party. But there was still no pest in sight.

Poob was sitting down on the couch with a frown. Sure, the party was going well and people were having fun but it just didn't feel the same without pest.

Mark: WOOD!


Drretro: meeow meow meoow? (Do I need to schedule you too another marriage counseling session?)

Prototype: I don't quite understand this whole "dancing" thing...

Gnarpy: well whatever it iz, itz stupid and pointlezz!

Prototype: there's gotta be a reason why people do it though, right?

Gnarpy: why don't you zhut you bleeble blorg and leave me alone!"

Poob was just about to shut the party down when suddenly he sees a car pull up outside.

"But all the guests are already here..." Poob questioned who this mystery guest could be until they stepped out of the car.

poob x pest fanfic or something idk (Partybeetle)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن