Based off of the events that had transpired in the Care of Magical Creatures class with the Hippogriffs, the Slytherin coach had requested extra time for their Seeker to recover fully from his arm injury. She had accidentally found herself in a conversation with Angelina, Katie, and Alicia who ranted all about it in the girls dormitory that morning. Sarai unexpectedly was just wanting to borrow a hair-tie from one of them. 
  Dean and Seamus immediately launched into a conversation about the match and the endless possibilities as to what would result from Saturday's match. 
  Meanwhile, Sarai's eyes flitted towards the Professor's table. There was empty seat next to Professor Filch which caused a pang in her chest. How could she so easily forget that the full moon was upon them. Worry filled her mind as she stared up at the night sky in the Great Hall. The moon shone brightly above her.  She wondered how Remus was doing, holed up in the shrieking shack. 
   "Get your head out of the clouds." Seamus said elbowing her. "We're leaving." 
   The rest of the student body were slowly filing out of the Great Hall and towards their respective common-rooms. There was an air of sleepiness amidst her school mates, but Sarai felt wide awake. She followed her friends out the Great Hall and headed towards the Gryffindor common-room. 


  The next day was ruthless for Sarai. Hardly getting any sleep she was up early that morning making her way to Remus's office. She knew it was a long shot for him to be there but she had to try and see him. She was rounding a corridor when she crashed into a tall figure, causing her to fall back. 
     "Watch where you're going!"  A male voice snapped. 
Sarai winced from the pain of falling on the cold hard cobblestone floor, before going to apologize, "I'm so sorr--Oh."
  For the person she had crashed into was a tall dark skinned Slytherin in her year. She made a face, as she watched his friend, a pretty brunette girl help him up. The boy whom she'd crashed into, must have noticed her change in tonality, because he sneered. 
  "Oh, Sure, Apologize to any other Hogwarts student for running into them, but as soon as it's a Slytherin, there's no remorse is there?"
  Sarai felt the heat rise to her cheeks, partial anger, partial embarrassment. Who was he to judge her? She didn't even know him. She got up swiftly and straightened up her robes, 
   "I don't know what you're talking about." She said coolly, "And I'm busy, so whatever rubbish you're going to make up, or hex you're going to try and use against me, make it quick. I've got things to do." 
   The boy threw his hands up in the air, and the girl standing next to him grabbed his arm before murmuring, "Leave it, Blaise." She said softly, "She's professor Lupin's niece," She said as a warning. 
 Sarai frowned and went to open her mouth to respond before 'Blaise' beat her to it.
  "Why Astoria? She's a Gryffindor. All she's going to think is that All of us are the worst most evil witches and wizards known to man." Blaise growled angrily, "That's why you assumed we were going to hex you right?" 
  Sarai stood their astonished and felt the anger continue to bubble in her chest as she was at a loss for words. "That's not what I---"
  "You what?"  Blaise scoffed interrupting her, "You didn't mean to say that a Slytherin obviously wanted to hex you? Cause that's all we're good for?"
  At this 'Astoria' cut in angrily, "Blaise, that is enough." She said firmly in her silky smooth voice. Her piercing blue eyes were filled with frustration as she turned back and forth between the two of them. "It's bad enough that most of the school thinks bad of Slytherin, do you want those rumors to spread?" She demanded before turning to Sarai, "And You," She said before taking a deep breath to calm herself. She amended her tone before speaking, "Miss --?" 
   "Mckinnon, Sarai Mckinnon," Sarai mumbled still hot from embarrassment. 
  "McKinnon," Astoria repeated, "It was wrong of you to assume we do such horrid things to you from no prior experience with us." Astoria scolded. "Now before this becomes heated even further, I suggest all of us walk away." 
Blaise, at the sound of Astoria's voice seemed to calm down as he stayed quiet. His eyes never left Sarai, watching her as if she was going to attack him, like she was a rabid dog. Sarai, on the other hand was pleasantly perplexed, as she seemed to have a new found liking to Astoria. She had never met a Slytherin as outspoken before in such a positive manner. 
  "Sorry." She said quickly to Blaise, giving him a quick glance. Her gaze never left Astoria's though, "Why are you up and about so early, anyways?" She asked the two of them as the anger faded away. 
  Blaise answered this time, "Believe it or not, McLupin," He emphasized her faux-name. At this Sarai crinkled her nose and muttered,
  "It's Mckinnon."
"We were just coming back from Professor Lupin's office. We had a few questions about the Grindylow's he taught about last lesson."
    Sarai's eyes widened, "So you've seen him then?" She asked eagerly, "How is he?"
 Blaise moved past her and began walking down the corridor, "No luck, McLupin." He emphasized her name once more, " Snapes in his office preparing for the next class. Says your uncle's sick." He called behind him before him and Astoria disappeared.
    Sarai rolled her eyes. A little disappointed Remus wasn't going to be in his office, but even more so irritated at Blaise and his inability to learn her last name.  She was however, grateful she didn't have an early run-in with Professor Snape. 
   A yawn escaped her before she realized it. The lack of sleep was catching up to her. Before she tried to risk taking a 'short-nap' she headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast, and hopefully some freshly brewed coffee. 


A/N: If anyone actually reads this...I'm sorry for the late update lol. 

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