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Hala pov :-

After reading the last page of my last para in Quran shareef I closed it lightly and placed it near my heart with my fingers gently wrapped around the Quran . I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply "ya rab why is my heart wrenching as if something bad is going to happen"

"Appi you're still uncomfortable ?" My baby cousin rubbed my shoulder and gently caressed my hands with his small hands. I smiled and pull him into my lap placing the Quran on its shelf
I ruffled his hair and asked "no but why do you think so little one"

He placed his arms around my shoulder and engulf me into his warmest hug "I don't know appi but since yesterday's night you seem restless and upset" I forced him a smile "no my love I am not just a bit tired and stressed" he then pouted "I am here so don't be upset" I cupped his cheeks and pecked his forehead

He smiled cheekily "ah I forgot ammi is calling you down there it's the time of iftar and we have to go mosque as well for Taraweeh" I nodded my head and gently placed him on the ground "I am coming in few minutes till then help my ammi in preparing iftar hmm I will join you too"
He nodded his head and run downstairs to help I chuckled at my love "my little boy is well mannered"

My fingers were wrapped around the tasbeeh and I keep reciting "Allahu Akbar" I was sitting on my prayer mat because I love to read Quran on it
I then put my hands on the ground for the support to stand up and it was so tough for me I felt like my knees are crushed I groaned lightly on the pain but gradually with the support I stood up and folded my mat in a sunnah way

By first folding the right side vertically to other not really covering the whole left part but actually only folding the half of it vertically and same thing repeated to the left side of the mat and when they both are folded vertically then folding the down part of the mat to half of the prayer mat and same folding the upper part to half of the prayer mat . My nani (maternal grandma) once told me to fold the mat this way and she also mentioned that I would get many rewards upon doing this deed .

After folding it I put it onto my mat section while limping on the ground I made my way to the washroom and did wuzu (ablution) for the maghrib prayer . After that I fixed my hijab and went downstairs carefully while limping i am ashamed that I have lied to my loved ones about my injuries "ya allah forgive me forgive your servant I did what you told not to" my heart and lips recited "أَسْـتَـغْـفِـرُ اللهَ وَ أَ تُـوبُ إِ لَـْيهِ"
Meaning: I seek forgiveness to Allah and repent towards Him

As my steps began to go down the vision of our kitchen was visible to me I saw my babyboy helping my ammi in placing the dishes on the counter I placed my  hand on my chest while my eyes stared warmly at him "my boy" I still remembered what he had gone through at this age.

He is the son of my mother's youngest sibling . In an accident his mom aka my mom's youngest sister got deeply injuried on the area of her brain for months she remain in coma and at the end I saw her janazah along with my mom crying uncontrollably .
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Arabic: إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ" means Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return"

After her death his father remarried and rejected his son to stay with him because his wife told him to. "Such a worthless man"

I pecked my baby's cheeks and he took his seat near my ammi beside him I seated myself but I saw that my Ammi's eyes were finding my Abbu I placed my hands on hers "ammi today Abbu will have his iftar in mosque" she smiled at me "oh he didn't mention to me"

I softly called out my babyboy "Junaid" he responded me "hmm" I then asked him "do you know that Abbu is going to give azaan today" he looked at me surprised and with high pitched voice he said "Really appi ?" I nodded my head and he said excitedly "oh alhamdulillah today I'll have the best iftar moment" we both laughed and my mom admired us from her seat .

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