Jungkook turned the page and froze as he saw the picture that was drawn on the next page. It felt as if it was seeing himself sketched over the page in an ancient style. He blinked and rubbed his eyes thinking he is maybe just too tired and sleepy to see what was actually drawn and is imagining things.

But when he still saw the same picture he shut the book and stared at a space with a blank face.

"Don't tell me that's me in my previous life." Jungkook mumbled blinking his eyes, he gulped as he placed the book back to the desk not even reading what was written further. He was too shock to read anymore things and so he layed down, covered himself and shut his eyes to sleep. He really thought he was just hallucinating because of tiredness.


Jungkook was standing in a big royal room, as he bowed to the beautiful prince standing infront. The prince smiled cutely that gave a hard time to the male to not chuckle as he looked down.

"Jungkookie hyung." Prince Taehyung called, Jungkook hummed.

"Yes prince?" He asked in reply, the male giggled.

"What's your favourite food?" The male asked.

"Everything I have is my favourite, prince." He replied with his head still hung low.

"But there would be one thing that you liked above all the food?" Prince Taehyung asked with a pout.

"Chicken bulgogi noodles." Jungkook replied making the prince smiled widely that the guard noticed as he peeked up a little, his heart fluttered by the next words of the male infront.

"Great I will ask the cook to make it tomorrow for us." Prince stated.

"No no your highness, I can't have something that is cooked in the royal kitchen." Jungkook said in a panicked tone even tho the gesture of the male touched his heart.

"Jungkookie hyung I know that, but you always checks any food before it is served to me. So have the half portion thinking you are checking if it's ok for me to eat or not." Prince Taehyung said with a proud smile, Jungkook shook his head.

"It's against the rule your highness." He replied glancing at the huffing male.

"Fine it's my order, and you can't say no to a royal's order." Prince Taehyung said with his chin raised high, Jungkook can't help but look at the pretty prince for a few minutes as he felt his heart swelling by the kind and cute nature of the male.


Jungkook opened his eyes as he heard his alarm ringing, he looked around and sighed sitting up on the bed.

"It was a dream, I dreamt prince Taehyung and me. God Jungkook the story is getting over your brain way too much." Jungkook said to himself as he threw away the comforter and stepped down.


"Kook!! Why are you waking like zombie?" Hoseok asked as he saw the male stepping out of his room with a tired face. Jungkook shook his head as he ruffled his hairs and sat on the dinning table, he took the apple that was in the fruit bowl on the table and began to munch on it with just one thought in his mind. Was prince Taehyung's guard really his previous life version, that means he was the prince guard in previous life???

His hyung's looked at him and then glanced at each other with a worried face. Cause Jungkook being so dull is not really something they are used to see.

"What happened bro?" Jimin asked wrapping his arms around jungkook's shoulder, the male sighed shaking his head.

"You seem tensed or maybe in some thoughts. Is there something that is bothering you?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook shook his head as he smiled at them. Suddenly something lit in his mind as he looked at namjoon.

"Namjoonie hyung, is it possible for us to have many life's?" He asked, namjoon thought for a while.

"Hmm people say we do have many life's, we live one life and die. Years later we are born again in the same way, with same face, some even gets same name. And they live a new life." Namjoon explained, Jungkook hummed.

"You know I have heard that most of them whose wishes are left incompleted are being again." Hoseok spoke, Jin hummed nodding his head.

"You know I have heard that there are many who didn't get their love stories completed in their previous life and are reborn to complete their incomplete love story." Jin spoke munching some fruits, Jungkook hummed nodding his head.

"But why are you asking all this?" Jimin asked, Jungkook shrugged.

"Nothing much, just read that people are bron again in different eras so thought to know about it from hyung." Jungkook replied, they all hummed. Completing their breakfast they all got ready and left for company again. Today it was again their dance practice that took their whole day. One after another they practiced many dance choreography as their concert is nearing and they need to be perfect in everything.

Late in evening they returned, having their dinner together they went back to their rooms to get some rest. Jungkook found himself staring at his lookalike photo for minutes.

"Prince indeed drew you or me so good." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he brushed his fingers over the picture and finally reas what was written under the picture.

It's him, isn't he so handsome and charming. I wish he would smile for me, I want to see how does he looks when he smile. But for today it's over now... Will talk to you later bye bye...

Pretty taehyung-

Jungkook chuckled he don't know why but he have a feeling that the prince Taehyung was extremely cute and adorable, and really deserved the best man out in the world.

Turning the next page Jungkook dived in to know another of the prince life...

Dear Diary...


To be continue...

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss...

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