The Healer

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Wolves, they are all the same. I sighed after I left the man behind at the counter in the club. He was handsome though, with light brown hair that was perfectly styled in messy waves. A stubble on his jaw that made most of the men more attractive for some reason and then you had his dark brown eyes. I think I never seen anyone with such dark eyes. He wore fitted jeans with a white shirt that strained on his muscles, the first few buttons undone. He knew how good looking he was, way too cocky for my taste.

But he was a wolf. And almost all wolves are possessive when they find a partner or their mate. And I wasn't interested in any of that. So, I walked up to the guy I talked to earlier that night. A human that seemed to like a woman in charge. Perfect match then. He had brought me to his house for a wild night. And it was a wild night, I assure you.

I haven't been to the club again. I sensed that there were many wolves there. Not only because of my sixth sense but also because if it was true that the alpha-hole knew the owner, it was probably owned by a wolf. And everyone that worked there would certainly be one too. Too bad, I liked the bartender with the darker skin and dark blue eyes. He would have been a nice distraction. Too bad he was probably a wolf.

I had encountered many wolves in my life. I have moved because of them twelve times already since I've been on my own. Because once they found out who I am, what I am, they all became possessive and wanted to 'keep' me. I moved here, to the outskirts of Rottingdean, two months ago when a pack of wolves found me. And yet again, I needed to fake my death. Thank gods, I started using a fake name since I was sixteen.

Because the thing is – the thing that makes the wolves want me is– that I am a healer. Not just a healer, a wolf healer. I can't only heal them or save them from the brink of death, but I also make them stronger. Not just the healed wolf, but the whole pack. I could mind-link with each wolf I healed too.

Somewhere in my family history there had been a wolf. My parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents were all human. So, my whole family was normal, that was until I came along. When my mother found out about what I could do, she talked to my great-grandparents.

They told her when a wolf recognised my scent, my scent as the wolf-healer, they would do anything to get their hands on me. So, me and my parents moved away. So far away from a pack that they were sure they couldn't find me. But when I went to a school trip, one single wolf found my scent. And it followed me all the way home. That wolf killed both of my parents, but not before my father gave him the killing shot. I was sixteen then, and since then I had been on the run.

It was only five years ago when I found a way to mask my scent. To block it from every wolf that came near. It was a special concoction an Omega made for me. As an Omega, he wouldn't get stronger because of me. I could treat his wounds, yes. But because he was without a pack, he wouldn't get stronger or fitter. So, he helped me instead of claiming me.

And ever since then, he has been my best friend. Elijah, or like I like to call him Eli. He moved with me and like always was now living with me as my roommate. He never told me how he became an Omega and I never pried. It was his decision to tell or not. He was almost five years younger than me, so he was only eighteen when we found each other. He's like my little brother but very protective over me. I got him into school, and he was now in his last year in college. In a few months he would graduate as an engineer. I couldn't be prouder.

While he went to school, I worked. I graduated as a veterinarian, wanting to put my special skills to use. Because my abilities aren't only for wolves, I could heal any kind of animal. Because of those skills, I can't work under someone or with colleagues, so I had my own business. And it may sound stupid, but I was the Vet-on-Wheels. I had turned a large motorhome into my workspace where I could treat dogs, cats, anything really. The motorhome was large enough, so Eli and I had our own living space and bedroom. When we decided that the town was safe enough for us to stay in, we would rent a flat but as long as we weren't sure, we stayed in our motorhome.

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