Chapter Twenty-One: Never Look Back

Start from the beginning

It was amazing.

Then, it happened, all the build-up climaxing and falling out of her. It released from her voice first, crying through it, and then breaking into shaking whimpers. All the tension dispelled out of her in an explosion, and the delirious high of having orgasmed rocked her senses. Her hips trembled with her as she came, thighs shaking pressed to Sogo's cheeks.

She laid there with her lips still gently parted, frozen. It was like she was administered a tranquilizer because she was the calmest she'd ever been. So calm that she couldn't move if she wanted to. She stared up at the blurry night sky, barely managing to keep her eyes open, and she felt the accumulation of tears in both eyes slip down the corners, sliding fast to her ears.

Mizu heard gentle movement, and her blue eyes moved to the side as she was perfectly still. Sogo was beside her now, resting her cheek on her palm as she laid on her hip, her feet intertwined with the samurai's.

In this space, they were the only two people in the world. The gurgling of the waterfall hummed peacefully beside them. They felt invincible together, as if the full moon watching over them would protect them with all her power.

Then, a small, breathy laugh fell from Sogo's lips, and Mizu's heart skipped a beat to hear it. Her eyes widened ever so slightly, and a moment later, they dilated, her blue orbs growing larger as they took in the sight of her lover.

Everything felt like it was in place. Her body, mind, spirit. It brought her to see all things clearly, without dark clouds of her psyche self-sabotaging her happiness.

She realized she'd already fallen in love. Deeper than ever thought possible.


They fell asleep by the water, embracing each other. Mizu nuzzled comfortably in her lover's chest as Sogo curled around her body, breathing softly with each rise of her chest.

There was a snap in the bushes caused by a small rodent. Mizu's ear twitched to the sound, and quickly she woke up, torn from her sleep. She shot up, on high alert, as if her body was trying to stabilize from the unnatural state of pure relaxation she wasn't used to. The pendulum had swung to the other side again, and her fight mode was activated.

"Mm... Mizu?" Sogo muttered, stirred awake by the movement.

Mizu pressed a heavy palm on her mouth, silencing her. She brought a pointed finger to her lips, signaling her to be quiet. Her glowing blue eyes narrowed under her furrowed brows. She was ready for a fight.

Sogo blinked in confusion, figuring it was nothing but then nodded in compliance. Mizu released her mouth and she focused on their surroundings.

It came from behind her. Her focused eyes zoomed to its corner, and then her head followed suit. Quietly, she got up to her feet. She might've been naked, but she was in no way vulnerable. She didn't need a weapon to kill a man. Sogo was here, too, so she was more willing if it meant protecting her.

She drew nearer to the bushes, her lean body making its way with careful, silent steps. Her knees were slightly bent, ready for any provocation. Then, the bush trembled, and she stopped walking, fists clenched.

Sogo stared, knowing it was simply a forest creature, but nevertheless enjoying the view. She cupped her face, watching Mizu's languid movements with twinkling eyes.

Mizu outstretched her arm to part the bush, and just then, a white rabbit ran out from the bushes, its fur as vibrant and ethereal as the moon. It pounced out, startling Mizu. She grabbed it quickly by its ears, bringing it up in the air.

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