Unsent Message 5: Literatures Created Because of You

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19 March, 2024. 9:37 pm

It's me again. Well, actually I wasn't planning to right today but here I am I guess? 

I just came into realization that my written works recently were always about you. Not literally you, YOU; but you know what I mean. 

Those written works were all created due to all of the what ifs I had at night. Me imagining what I will become if ever I will be given a chance to call you, "cial" lol. Yep, those certain callsigns that I answered on the survey you conducted for your research was all of the callsigns that I may or may not call you if ever I became yours. Cheesy right?

Welp, I fell hard for you maybe that's why. 

But anyways, yeah. My written works lately was created due to my thoughts of you while some were created due to my dreams that involves you. I also don't know why you were even in my dreams. I also didn't expected it though. But the point is, whatever the genre I am writing, whether be it action, romance, fantasy, etc. It was always you. I DON'T FREAKING KNOW WHY.

Actually, right at this moment I currently has three ongoing written works that was made because of you. One romance, One action, One kind of slice of life. 

The one that I was actually writing before I wrote this unsent message was the one that has the genre of slice of life. I will be publishing it here in Wattpad, lol. Maybe if ever I wasn't lazy to do some editing, I will make it as a text story but right now let me just make a narrative version of it. 

Anyways, that story has some events that was based on our memories that I really treasured. Well, I must say some of our memories are quite fiction worthy. We may not be in the kind of setup where we were in love with each other but it still worthy to be written in one of my literature work for our friendship somehow can pass the "fiction type of friendship". 

Also, the genre is slice of life so why not I should let others somehow peek on how it all started?

So yeah, basically I just write this unsent message because I want to let you know that you are one of the inspirations I have whenever I write some stories. Be it in fiction or in nonfiction, and I just want to express some of my gratitude to becoming one of my inspiration to write a story especially right now that I'm having a hard time to think of what to write. 

Just want to say that, every Literatures that I was able to create because of you were one of the stories that I can say was well-written. No flaws, just perfection. At least for me, hehe.

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