3 - you shall go to the ball

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Rose's pov

'Get in there' Mary says shoving me to the floor. 'How dare you embaress us in front of the Prince' she yells hiting and kicking me 'let's hope you don't ruin their chances of marrying him' she shouts. 'MOTHER! YOU FORGOT OUR MASKS!' Cora shouts. 'You better get them then and come back' Mary says 'and no food tonight. Tonight you sleep down here' she shouts. 'ANSWER ME!' 'yes master' I reply. Standing up I walk out of the house back to the shop to get the Masks.

Bumping into someone I fall to the floor, I fell face first as I needed to be fast. I didn't want to be punished more. 'Miss, let me help you' a males voice says, helps me up. 'Miss are you okay?' He asks 'Rose?' He asks looking at me. I begin to Run away running towards the shop I pick up the Masks running back to the house. As I pass an alley a hand grabs me 'let me go' i cry. 'Rose' the voice says I look up to see the man from before 'please don't hurt me' I cry 'I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a friend of Prince Sebastian' he says 'don't lie' I cry 'Rose' he says softly 'im not, he showed me a photo of you both on your 13th birthday,' he says 'I'm Chris' Chris smiles. 'He misses you' Chris tells me. 'I have to go' i say running out of the alley back to the house.

'What took you so long' cora screeches 'I'm sorry' I plead. 'Not good enough' Mary shouts hitting me. 'Get in there' she shouts pushing me into a cage locking it putting the key on a high shelf, walking out of the room I hear the door slam shut. 

Chris pov.

Princess Rose. She's alive. She looked hurt and scared. After she ran out of the alley I followed her, I saw her walk into the house. Hiding behind a Bush I hear shouting. Looking through the window I see her being pushed through to the back of the house and down some stairs. Moving round the back of the house I hear talking 'the Prince is mine,' 'no he's mine' two voices argue. I hear quiet cries peering through some bars I spot a body in a cage. 'Please no' I think. I hear the front door close and a car leave the house.

Entering through the back door I reach the room where I hear the crying. Flicking on the light I see Rose. 'Rose!' I cry rushing to her 'what are you doing in there?' I ask she doesn't reply 'aren't you going to sebs ball?' I ask 'not allowed' she responds quietly. 'Let me get you out' I say 'don't it will be worse' she says 'rose I'm not leaving you in there' I plead with her 'Chris leave, I deserve this' she pleads 'Rose, Seb will have my head if I let this happen.' I try to reason with her 'they will know if I leave' she argues.

I sit down in front of her 'don't you want to go to the ball? See seb again' I ask 'ball? Don't know. Seeing seb and Uncle Leo I do but I can't. They don't know I'm the princess. After the incident I knew papa was dead. I got out of the car and tried to get back to uncle. I need him. I needed him, i needed him when mum died. He got me out of my room when I would respond to anyone else' she tells me  'seb?' I ask she nods 'why don't you say his name?' I ask 'I cant' she replies.

'It's a masked ball, so he won't be able to tell its you. They won't know your there' I say. 'I don't have anything to wear' she says 'I'm sure I can sort something for you.' I smile 'fine but if they notice I'm leaving and comming back here' she says 'keys on the shelf'. Standing up I get the key of the shelf opening the cage. I help Rose out and to a car which I had hidden, driving to a shop I park up to get a dress and mask for Rose 'any colour preference?' I ask 'I'm not sure' Rose says 'are you happy for me to choose?' I ask , Rose nods 'size?'  ' I I I don't know' Rose stammers 'let's go inside' I say softly. 'They will find out' Rose cries. 'They won't' I smile. Reaching to the back seat in lift out a file 'I have NDA forms here, helpful with seb, I'll get the people in the shop to sign it. If anything does come out they will face heavy fines' I tell Rose softly. 'Okay Chris' Rose smiles.  Heading to the shop I return quickly with the signed form.

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