She wondered, for a moment, if she should just wait the pal out and try to get the supplies afterwards, but quickly dismissed the idea because the pal could very well take whatever Cast was looking for.

He had told her that bringing back all the supplies would be an amazing feat, but if she could at least get her hands on the barrels that looked to still be intact, that would suffice.

Are those the gunpowder barrels I saw when I first got here? No doubt he just wants it for ammo or something.

She was doing everything she could to distract herself from doing the one thing she had to do. She knew she just had to jump in and learn how to fight this thing from hands on experience. Since her training with Cast had begun, it was the quickest way to learn anything about Pals because they were all so unique. Even pals of the same species could be inherently different depending on what traits they were born with.

Rhea took a seat to prepare for the inevitable. She had been practicing a new technique of her own that helped her focus during high intensity training sessions. Sitting Indian style on the ground, she began inhaling and exhaling at a steady pace. She took deep breaths as she focused on nothing but breathing. This was meditation.

She'd gotten the idea from the conversation with her heart. During some downtime from training, she'd recalled that she could hear her heart beat when in the Palsphere because it naturally blocked out all the noise, so she had been working on learning to do this without its help.

It took her a while, but eventually she could spark conversations with her heart once again. Recently, her heart had discussed a state of mind she could induce that would allow her to move more efficiently with her body called Flesh Sync. As long as she was acting in line with her ambitions, her body would yield to her mind and move as efficiently as possible for a set period of time.

This state of mind is what she was calling upon in this moment, and had succeeded.

I'm getting pretty good at this, but I'll get even better eventually.

When she opened her eyes, they gleamed a brilliant azure color as she stood up and revealed herself to the Mossanda. It was startled at her presence, but quickly got into a defensive position as she walked towards it, calmly.

She was confident in what she had learned, but still harbored fear and nervousness. So far, she had only fought with low level pals found in the less harmful regions of the island. Even this shoreline was supposed to be a place where stronger pals like Mossanda didn't appear, which made it even more odd that it was here, but she had to do what she had to do.

When she felt comfortable about the distance between the two, she stopped and waited for the pal to make the first move. She didn't want to get too close to him because of how top heavy he was. Getting within striking distance would spell trouble for her, quickly.

Her goal, until she could find some sort of weakness, was to keep her distance and dodge his attacks at the apex of their range. Ideally, she'd download his attack patterns and come up with a counter strategy. At the very least, she was hoping she could simply outrun him if need be.

As if to stop her thoughts in their tracks, the Mossanda started things off by quickly punching the ground. When its fists connected with the earth, vines riddled with thorns materialized out of thin air and tunneled through the ground towards her.

Palworld; Rhea's Odysseyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें