(Felix's tattoos btw with the placements)

"I have one more that you probably can't see" Felix stated
"I would like to see that too one day " hyunjin mumbled to himself unknown of the fact that felix heard him
"Please get ready soon your highness your breakfast is ready and we have to leave for the-" hyunjin stopped mid-sentence when Felix started walking closer to him
"Keep talking " Felix ordered
"We have to leave for the hospital " hyunjin completed his eyes trailing down felix's abs and V- line
"My eyes are up here Hwang " Felix pointed out
"Yeah and I should take My leave" hyunjin replied
"Please do " Felix agreed opening the door for hyunjin and closing it on his face once he got out
"What an asshole " hyunjin muttered to himself as he waited outside the prince's door
Felix got ready and exited the room surprised to see hyunjin standing outside on his phone
"Why are you still here?" He asked
"Let's go The King and Queen are waiting for you" hyunjin urged not bothering to answer the older's question
"I asked you a question didn't I?" Felix Hissed
"It's my job Your highness " Hyunjin replied and started walking Felix following behind him
They sat down along with Lisa and Chan and had a rather peaceful breakfast

"We should get going " Minho suggested as he stood up , Hyunjin and jihyo following behind
"You can go after meeting me little prince " a familiar voice echoed across the hall , someone had entered the room but felix couldn't see them so he stood up
"Jisung Hyung" he exclaimed when he saw the Boy standing at the entrance
And hyunjin could swear it was the first time He had seen Felix excited but what felix did next shocked the hell out of him
Felix lightly pushed hyunjin aside and ran to jisung to hug him
"Miss me that much?" Han asked once Felix finally let go
"Shut up hyung you didn't call me once in 6 years you didn't even pick up my calls or answered my texts " Felix complained
"Oh come on you know I love you" han replied
"Yeah sure you do" Felix clapped back
"I'm here now and I'm certainly not leaving " Han reassured
"Don't worry I won't leave your minho hyung either " he added making Minho's eyes snap towards him 
"What is going on ?" Hyunjin whispered to jihyo
"It's complicated I'll explain later " jihyo replied patting the boy's back gently
"Let's go shall we ? Jisung-ah are you coming too?" Jihyo asked the said boy
"No noona you guys should go I have some catching up to do with chan hyung and lisa noona " han answered
"Okay then we should get going " Minho exclaimed
"Won't say hi min?" Han asked turning to minho
"I don't say hi to people who abandon me han jisung " minho countered 
"Someone's mad " han stated
"No shit Sherlock " Felix Hissed "now can we go before Minho hyung starts kissing or killing our little hamster friend right here " he teased
Minho twisted Felix's ear at the remark
"Ah ah ah Hyung ok sorry sorry hyung leave me" Felix cried out
"Good " he replied letting go of  Felix's ear
Hyunjin was confused but he smiled at the whole interaction, this was the most human hyunjin had seen Felix so it was new to him but it was good to see .
"Hwang are you daydreaming?" Seungmin who had been watching this whole seen unfold from outside asked
"N-no?" Hyunjin replied
"Be sure" seungmin joked as he walked up to han
"Oh my god seungmin is that you ? You've grown so much " han exclaimed as he pulled Seungmin into a hug
"Well you have um aged I guess " seungmin giggled
"Still a brat I see" han exclaimed patting his head
"Well you can catch up to him later for God's sake we're getting late " minho nagged and all of them finally left the castle

"Why is seungmin-shi going with us again ?" Hyunjin asked Felix
"Are you a little slow by any chance ?" Seungmin groaned "I'm his social media manager I'm supposed to click his pictures and upload them and guide him on how to act in front of the cameras at such events what part of that is unclear to you" Seungmin continued
"It's fine seung he's a little dumb " Felix muttered
"I'm not dumb" hyunjin replied
"We believe you" Seungmin Sassed
"Oh god forgive the poor soul will you " Felix exclaimed
"Right" seungmin replied and as he was about to sit next to felix in the backseat he was gently pulled behind by his arm
"I have to sit there you can sit infront " hyunjin explained
"Is that a rule that you have to follow or do you just want to sit next to lix" seungmin joked
"Can you let seung sit with me so I can sleep a little " Felix asked
"I'm not stopping you from sleeping ?" Hyunjin replied
"Fine get in " Felix exclaimed
"Are you sure ?" Seungmin asked and felix nodded in response
After a little while when hyunjin looked Over to felix he was  asleep and with his head falling to one side and  he looked uncomfortable
"You can lend a shoulder you know ? That's why felix wanted me to sit" Seungmin explained
"He wouldn't like that " hyunjin replied
"You never know " seungmin argued
"Fine " hyunjin replied and pulled Felix towards himself gently making felix keep his head on his shoulder
"What do you think you're trying to do?" Felix whispered into hyunjin's shoulder 
"Making you comfortable " hyunjin replied
"And Are royalguards supposed to do that ?" Felix asked
"Yes your highness they are " Hyunjin replied feeling his knees go weak because of Felix's voice and how close they were
"Calm down " Felix whispered
"Huh?" Hyunjin asked
"Your heart beat " Felix answered
"You're tired sleep" hyunjin suggested
Felix didn't reply he just closed his eyes letting himself relax , he wasn't going to sleep He just wanted some rest
"You smell good" Felix complimented in a quiet voice
"You're talking to me?" Hyunjin asked
"Well you're the only one I can smell so I guess yeah " he replied sarcastically
"A simple yes would've done too but thanks " Hyunjin replied with a little smile on his face
"Seungmin can you sing something?" Felix asked tapping the boy on the shoulder
"Are you anxious ?" Seungmin asked
"How do you always know?" Felix asked back
"You ask me to sing whenever you want a distraction from your anxiety Felix " Seungmin replied "Why not make your Bodyguard sing today its his job to follow orders right ?" he added
"I-" before hyunjin could say anything seungmin interrupted
"If you're about say you can't sing then shut up and start singing " he ordered and put on a random song for hyunjin to sing
"Know the lyrics pretty boy ?" Seungmin asked cocking a brow at hyunjin
"If he wasn't so special to you he would've dropped dead by now " hyunjin muttered to himself and felix chuckled
"Said something?" Seungmin asked
"Not at all and yes seungmin-shi I do know the lyrics " hyunjin replied
"Then what are you waiting for start singing " seungmin Sassed out and Hyunjin started singing quietly only loud enough for the Prince to hear
"I can't hear you pretty boy" seungmin demanded
" last time i checked You're not the one who needs a distraction and you're not the one I'm supposed to take orders from " hyunjin snapped back seungmin chuckled and hyunjin felt a tap on his hand
"Keep singing " Felix pleaded in a low and gentle tone
Upon the prince's request hyunjin started singing again After a while felix looked better
"Are you feeling better your highness ?" Hyunjin asked as he felt felix remove his head from his shoulder
"Yes thankyou very much" felix responded
"It's my job " hyunjin muttered
"A your welcome wouldn't ruin your perfect jawline " seungmin pointed out
"If I got a dollar for everytime you were being nosy it wouldn't take me more than 10 minutes to be a millionaire " hyunjin countered
"And if I got a dollar for everytime you guys argued I'd be a billionaire in 10 minutes " Felix interrupted "also when are we going to reach ?"He asked
"5 minutes " hyunjin replied

♤A/N- is this chapter okay ? Tell me your opinions and suggestions and mistakes if you spot any , anygays take care lovelies and have a good day /night whatever you're having
Love y'all ♤

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