Chapter 1- The Graduation

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" Eddy get up, it's time to wake up," I said to Eddy who had his arms tightly wrapped around me as he refused to get up from bed.

"Just a little longer and then I'm up, you feel so soft," He groaned, pushing his head further into my chest like a baby.

" You say that all the time, it's your graduation today and you need to get up," I said as I tried to pull out of his hold but his arms only tightened around me.

" Eddy,"

" Fine, fine, I'm up," He sat up kissing me on the head before making his way to the bathroom. But just as he reached the door he stopped and turned to me.

" You're beautiful by the way,"

" You're not getting me inside the shower with you so if you know what is good for you get inside that bathroom and be out in ten minutes,"

" Yes Mummy," He said before he disappeared into the bathroom.

Today was his graduation and yet I had to wake him up to get ready, we had about an hour before the graduation started and I knew he takes time to get ready, I know you're going to be saying something like
'I thought women were supposed to be the ones who take time getting ready' Well not if the man changes multiple times just to get the desired reaction from his woman.

Eddy was that type of guy, he liked it when I complimented what he wore. He's such an attention seeker, but I wouldn't have him any other way.

" Are you sure you're not going to reconsider showering with me, I look hot you know," Eddy shouted from the bathroom but I ignored him.

Nine minutes later he walked out of the bathroom.

" You know there's a towel for a reason and you don't have to walk around with your junior dangling in front of me,"

" You like it, especially when it's inside you," He said as he winked before disappearing into the closet.

I shook my head at his attitude before walking to the bathroom to have a shower, I refused to shower with him because I knew what would happen if I was in the shower with him, there was no innocent shower with Eddy, we'd end up being an hour late for his graduation.

After my shower, I dried my skin as I tied the towel around me, and walked out of the bathroom.

" What do you think about this?" I told you so.

" I thought we already decided on what you would wear for the graduation yesterday, why are you still asking me what to wear?" I asked him as I walked to the vanity mirror and removed the towel around me as I picked up my lotion to apply on my body.

" Need help with that?" Eddy asked and my eyes met his green ones in the mirror and the intensity in them told me there was no escaping being late to his graduation.

" Eddy stay where you are," I warned but he didn't listen as he took calculated steps towards me.

" You know I can't resist you and yet you look undeniably beautiful each day and you don't want me to touch you?"

" Eddy you're going to be late," I whispered as I weakly tried to push him off.

" Do I look like I care? The only reason I'm even going to that graduation is that I'm going to be taking pictures with you so I can frame them, or else I'd prefer spending my time worshiping your body," He said as he bent to my neck and drew his nose up to my ear.

" You smell so tempting and irresistible," He whispered as his hand started moving down but just as he reached the place that was already eager for him, his phone started ringing.

The sound of his phone was like a bucket of water poured on me reminding me that we have somewhere to be.

" This isn't over," He said as he perked my lips before going to get his phone.

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding as I quickly took everything I needed to the closet so he wouldn't come back.

We were both dressed and ready to go out, I wore a short black dress and black heels with a pink handbag while Eddy after so much dragging wore black trousers and a sky-blue shirt deciding to skip the suit jacket.

" Well, what a gentleman," I teased as he opened the car door for me while I got in and then he turned around to the driver's seat as he started the car and drove off.

We were in the car and on our way to school when I noticed that Eddy's phone had been ringing continuously but he had refused to pick up.

" What if it's important?" I asked him as he turned to me but quickly turned his eyes back on the road.

" What is that?" He asked.

" The person that keeps calling you, what if it's important and you won't pick up," I said

" It's nothing important," He said with a smile.

" Okay,"

The person didn't stop calling and Eddy still didn't pick up as he took his phone and silenced it, I was tempted to see who it was but I stopped myself.

When we got to school we walked hand in hand to the hall where the graduation would be taking place.

Soon enough the graduation started as students were called one after the other to collect their certificates, but Eddy hadn't been called and yet he looked unbothered as always.

" And for the best-graduating student of this year's class ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Mr. Edward Arnold," What?! I turned to Eddy with my mouth open as I jumped into his arms hugging him.

" I'm so proud of you," I said with a smile.

" That means I'd get a lovely present tonight for making you proud," He whispered into my ear, he'd always find any opportunity to be naughty.

I watched with pride as he walked up the stage to collect the certificate he worked hard for.

I was shouting and clapping when I noticed his phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and it was an unknown caller.

Should I pick? No, I don't think so. I ignored the call as I focused back on the graduation as Eddy was giving a funny speech. Eddy returned to his seat as he wore his graduation cap on me and then he gave me his certificate.

" I'm proud of you,"

" Thanks my love, it's time for the pictures,"

We stood from our seats as we went to take pictures, we were still taking pictures when his phone started ringing again.

" Excuse me, I'll take this real quick," He said before walking off.

I was waiting for him when I suddenly heard a familiar voice call my name and I turned.


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