Chapter Nine

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Optimus and the Autobots were in a forest. They found Mech base, they were going to rescue Lillian from Mech.
Arcee eyes widened, at the building.
"Optimus, Mech hideout us in fire." She said.
Optimus eyes widened at this as well.
"Wow." Bulkhead said in shock.
"What causes the fire." He said as he looks at the others.
And Bumblebee beeps and pointed at something. "Hey, it's Lillian." Everyone looks at Lillian.
"What, how did she escape. Siles is a tuff man." Arcee said.
"But right know we need to see, if she is already." Optimus said, as he was about to Lillian.
But the Autobots gasped, that Lillian just disappeared in thin air.
"What, but how did she disappeared." Bulkhead asked in curious, and in shocked.
"Look it's Lazerbeck." Bumblebee beeps as he pointed at the sky.
"Does Megatron knows Lillian." Arcee told Optimus
Optimus then told his team. "Contact Agent Fowler."

With the Decepticons
Megatron stared eye's widened on Lillian just disappeared. But he was happy that she was ok.
"Lord Megatron I got what you asked." Knockout said.
Lord Megatron smiles and nodded his head, at his doctor.

At the Autobots base
The bots were telling the children on what happened.
"So she just disappeared." Jack said. "Yes." Arcee said.
"But how did she disappeared into things air." Raf asked.
"I don't know." Optimus said.
"But what about the fire. How did it started and how did she escape. " Miko asked so many questions, so fast.
"Whoa, slow down Miko." Bulkhead told his charge.
"Agent Fowler is investigating the building right know and we will know more later." Optimus told everyone.

Lillian was known at home. She is calling school saying. That she is sick, and she will missing school tomorrow.
Lillian was sitting down in her couch in the living room, watching TV she is watching Batman animated series

Lillian was sitting down in her couch in the living room, watching TV she is watching Batman animated series

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Lillian was finally get a chance to watch TV, shows and movies. Because of hogwarts and her aunt, uncle and cousin.
The door bell rings, alarm. Lillian gets up slowly and have one of her out arm, so she can depend herself.
As she opens the door, she didn't see anyone
But as she looks down, Lillian let's out a gasped.
On the group it was basket, full of different types of puppy's

On the group it was basket, full of different types of puppy's

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"Oh, come on little ones

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"Oh, come on little ones. Let's get you inside." Lillian said, as she grabs the basket and brings them inside the house.

Lillian Potter Transformers Prime Where stories live. Discover now