Chapter 1 - Look At Where We Are

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I proved to everyone over the past year that I could be better than who I was before I knew of my role in the mafia. I made many powerful connections, and knew more than I ever thought I'd come to know. With Zach in a coma, I got better at stepping out of my comfort zone to provide for our kids and my brother. I knew it was just a matter of time before things got more complicated again. For now, I just waited it out. I was going to be prepared for the worst when it finally came.

The guys kept popping into my head from time to time. It had been a while since Cory, Ian, Dean, and Jae went back to America, and Nathaniel decided to rejoin his family in England. I had the property all to myself along with Kais, my brother, the kids, and Dominick. Byung-chul was busy with school, so I hardly ever saw him to make plans. Nannies came and went, expressing their concerns about Nika's behavior. I suppose she'd seen more than she needed to as a child.

Kais and Dominick took over Cory and Dean's duties in security. It was relaxing to know they were taking their jobs seriously. They spent day and night making sure no one found out where we were. After what happened with Tyler, I hadn't been able to travel on my own. Always had to have someone to keep an eye out whenever I was preoccupied.

"Are you okay?" Dominick asked. "You've been in here for a while. Christian's finally asleep."

"Thank you," I said. "It seems he'll only sleep when you're around."

"Well, that's what happens when he has a favorite uncle."

I smiled to myself. "Do you think he's ever going to wake up?" I asked. "Somehow this...feels worse than hearing my parents died. He's right here in front of me, but all I can do is hope and wait."

"Unfortunately...everyone saw this coming. I still blame myself for letting him do his own thing."

"Which you shouldn't. I was the one who went off with Cynthia. Why did I have to believe her?"

"If Dean hadn't asked Jae what was going on, things could have been much worse."

He was right. I had not been prepared for what happened that night. Cynthia was lucky I wasn't one to hold grudges for too long. Otherwise, she wouldn't be with a man who clearly knew she only married him, because her ex-husband belonged to the enemy. She could continue playing sick for as long as she wanted to, but I was going to make sure she would continue to suffer in ways unimaginable. I was going to have the last laugh.

"Have you heard from Cory?" I asked. "He hasn't called me back."

"Not yet." Dominick pulled up a seat beside me. "You don't have to worry so much about them. Once they have everything set up, they'll come back. They'll be fine."

"The last time someone said that, this happened. I can only worry."

"You're going to worry yourself into a coma like Zach."

I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Fine. I'll stop worrying, but that doesn't mean I won't call them, if they don't call you soon. I miss them."

"You miss Cory."

"...Shut up."

Dominick loved to joke about my relationship with Cory. If Jae hadn't waltzed back into his life the way she did, I still would have been with him. I wasn't disappointed that she was back, but now I was stuck with projecting my rejection on someone who deserved better. Dominick wasn't a bad romantic partner, but he had a lot to learn when it came to charming just one woman. He constantly claimed I had his heart, but I knew what he did when I'd rather spend time by Zach's side.

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