TWELVE: A Night to Remember.

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"are we falling in love?"
(yes or no by Jungkook)

Kim Y/n🍓
I giggled watching him spot out his coffee.
Clearing his throat, he rubbed the back of his neck, "so how well did I embarass myself last night?" He asked, making me smile.

"Fairly 50-50" I said, laughing as he laughed along with me. The laughter soon stopped as we started at eachother. He sighed, before walking to me and slowly holding my hand.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. For whatever I said..something happened and..I just i-" he sighed, before placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. "I'm sorry. I'm horrible. And i-" i cupped his cheeks.

"Your not horrible..people get stressed okay?" I said, as he hugged me tightly, making me flustered. DID HE JUST HUG ME? HE SMELLS AMAZING AHHHHHHHHHHH.

Yes, he hugged me last night. but he's sober. Which means he meant it! I'm losing my marbles. And i can't collect them back.

I wrapped my arms around him slowly, inhaling his scent. As he slowly lifted me up getting a firmer grip. I didn't want this to end. I wanted to stay like this with him here. I loved it.

But all good things must come to an end. Setting me down on my feet, he smiled, clearing his throat " free tonight?" He asked. Making me nod. "Yup!" I said, flashing him a smile.

"Jimin Hyung is going to this carnival and i was wondering if you wanna come with me?" He asked. As I smiled. "Why were you planning to go with someone else?" I teased him, as his eyes widened. "What! No ofcourse not! Never-" I cut him off by kissing his cheek. "Better not." I said, walking back to the smoothie maker.

Looks like that shut him up well.


The smell of fresh pies and the sound of fire works, surrounded the friend group, as they laughed and talked. Soon enough, Jungkook and y/n approached them.

Making them greet eachother. "Never knew this carnival had so many rides" Taehyung said, wrapping an arm around jimins neck.

"It's a carnival dingus what do you expect?" Annie, Jimins cousin said. "Yah watch your-" Taehyung was cut off by Jimin himself. "Y'all always fight everywhere will talk please cut it out?" He said, genuinely frustrated as Y/n got her toes, and whispered to Jungkook.

"I smell and enemies to lovers" she said in Jungkooks ears, making him smile and chuckle. "There's so much of romance here I'll puke" Ryunjin said, walking infront as the group finally started going from place to place.

"They have a claw machine!" Y/n said, pointing at it, her cotton candy in one hand. Putting a coin in, she set her goal for the pink panda. But even after 5 tries failed. "Awww" she said, a frown on her face.

Ryunjin then dragged her to a candy store, but Jungkook stayed behind. Putting in another coin inside the machine. He stayed until he succeeded in getting her the pink panda. Smiling to himself he hid it in his coat pocket.

Slowly joining the group and blending in.
"GET ME OFF THIS FUCKING RIIIIAHHHHHHH" Yoongi yelled, as the rollercoaster went down making the group chuckle and scream. Jungkook was having the time off his life. Y/n had never seen him laugh so much.

And what seemed to amuse him more was Yoongi yelling. It kind of distracted the entire group from the fear factor of the rollercoaster, as they jumped out at the end of the ride.

Ryunjin puked out all her hotdogs, as y/n patted her back, laughing as Minnie offered her water.

The night carried on, from one event to another.

"Guys! There's 3 photbooths! Lets take pictures!" Annie said, dragging Taehyung.

As y/n dragged Jungkook into one of the photobooths. They say beside eachother, a smile on Jungkooks face as he watched y/n select the number of pictures.

Selecting the number, y/n sat back fixing her hair, as Jungkook stared at her. Looking back at him. The camera counted down from 3.

Connecting her cheek with his, the camera flashed, taking the first picture. Then moving on to the second counting down. Jungkook sighed.  Handing y/n the plushie. As her eyes widened in happiness. A loud laughter emerging from her.

"How did you-" she was cut off by the flash of the camera, indicating the second picture.

She smiled, staring at him, as he stared back at her the air getting tense and heavy. Their breathes matching.

Leaning in slowly, Jungkooks lips clashed onto y/ns as the camera took the third picture. Slowly pulling y/n close to him. As the camera took the fourth and final picture, with Jungkooks hands on y/ns waist and he rhanda on his face. Both smiling into the kiss.

At that point. Jungkook didn't care who was looking, or what anybody wanted. He just knew he loved y/n. And he would be there regardless of who would say what.

He pulled away, as they stared at eachother, y/n smiled, rushing out of the photobooth, to face the group holding their pictures, with a shocked look on their faces. Jungkook stood behind her.

"Y'all kissed?!???"Jimin said.
"Why? Is there a problem?" Jungkooks voice took an octave deeper, as he wrapped his arms around y/ns waist.

"No-" Jimin said immediately.
He wasn't taking chances with the double bunny tonight.
Holding the plushie in her hand close to her chest, y/n walked beside Jungkook none of them saying a word. The carnival wasn't as far away from home, so they didn't need their car.

Silence was getting heavier with each step the took as finally Jungkook broke it.

"You love me don't you?" He asked, as she rolled her eyes. "You tell me. You kissed me first" he chuckled, "oh y/n y/n you'll never change" he said smiling.

Before he held her hand making her stop.

"If weeks from now. You told me I would fall in love with someone as perfect as you, I would've laughed my ass off, but now that it's happened that it's happening. It feels unreal" he said, making her hold the eye contact.

"I'm madly in love with you Kim Y/n. And i always will be, in this universe, in another universe and every universe in our lifetime. ns lifetimes to come" he said, as she smiled.

"Grumpy so romantic?" She giggled. As he smiled. "Grumpy romantic for his sunshine" he said. Making her smile.

"You know everything about this is so complicated right?" She said.

"I know sweetheart
But all I want to know is if you love me, and once I know that. I'll go through hell for you." He said making her smile.

"I love you too Jungkook"
Planting a kiss on his cheek she smiled, before he laughed, pulling her in for another kiss and spinning her around.

He didn't know what was next or what he was gonna do. But as long as she was his. He had all he needed.

until next time~
-Ava <3

Mr.Jeon's Wife to Be | JJKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz