you're losing me

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Steve, Natasha, Bucky and you were in the living room chatting. Steve and Nat just announced that they are engaged now. "Hey Bucky, will you and y/n ever get married?" Steve asked his best friend. You were excited about what he'll say. You wanted to get married. You've always wanted a family. Buckys reaction was the complete opposite of what you expected. He laughed. He freaking laughed. You felt the tears well up. "Excuse me" you said as you ran out the living room. When you arrived in your room you sat on your bed and let the tears fall.

About 2 minutes later, Bucky came in. "Hey, whats wrong? Did I do something?" Bucky asked you. "Yes you did something." You replied coldly. "Well, what did I do? You couldn't believe it. He didn't even know what he did wrong.

"Your reaction. Steve asked if you wanted to marry me, and you freaking laughed!" You accused. "I don't understand" He said. "I know you don't" you answered. "Y/n, are you upset because I dont want to marry you? I mean not right know" the tears fell again. You had the proof. Bucky didn't want to marry you.

"That's it!"  You got up, but Bucky caught your wrist. "I misspoke, you can't hold that against me!"

"Fine, you misspoke. Why did you laugh?" You looked at him waiting for an answer you needed. You needed to know why. "I laughed it off! Because its none of his business!"

"Oh It didn't look like that to me!" You were getting more mad at him with every second. "Don't you want a life with me? Tell me, do you see a future with me?" You were frustrated. And you were scared for his answer. But he didnt answer at all. He just started at you. "Do something! Say something!" You yelled but he remained silent. You turned around and walked in your room.

Bucky's P.O.V

He sat in the living room. When he heard your door open he thought you were coming to apologize. That's what you did last time. He smiled at you, but his smile dropped as he saw the bags in your hand. "I understand you Bucky. I wouldn't marry me either." "No that's-" you cut him off. "You're losing me Bucky." And with that, you walked away. You walked out the door and Bucky let a few tears fall. He didn't realize what he had until it was gone. He had messed up bad.

bucky barnes -oneshots based on Taylor Swift SongsWhere stories live. Discover now