Speak now or forever hold your peace ❤️

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You and Bakugo have a date night tonight, at a fancy restaurant (Panda Express, your in college what did you expect?!) so your getting ready in your room when you hear a knock at your door you jump up out of your bed your hair messy and it's your best friend Rose and she's very nervous, "Why aren't you dressed?! You've only got an hour!!" She yells pushing me down into a seat and turning on my make up mirrors light's and she starts (aggressively) putting on my foundation, blush. When that's done she starts putting on mascara, and a cherry pink lip gloss.  She puts a small layer of eye liner on.

"Good! Now clothes!" She grins running towards the closet and she grabs a silky salmon pink blouse with puffy sleeves, a pair of white fish nets pink platforms and a dark pink and black skirt. She grins and shoves me in the bathroom, I walk out and she clap her hands and sits me back down again. And starts brushing my hair, she puts it in two braids and puts a cherry blossom 🌸 beret on the ends of them she puts some perfume on me and shoves me out the door

"M'kay byyyeeeeeee" She waves

****Later at the Restaurant****

I tug on my skirt waiting for our food to come as Bakugo talks about his day at school and someone named Kirishima, and Deku were being annoying today at hero practice.

"Whos Deku...?" I ask

"Someone stupid, don't worry about him." He replies

"Aww someone jeluuusssss?????" I ask grinning

"W-WAT!!?" He ask blushing

"Awww! You got a cruuusshhhhh~?" I grin sipping on my Dr. Pepper®

"W-WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! N-NO!" He says in a crule, harsh whisper.

"whatever. I'm going to the bathroom. " I get up and I walk to the bathroom. When I come back he's on one knee and holding a little box.

"w-What.. are you doing..?" I ask

"Aleck...will you marry me?"

😍🤗The end my cuties!!!!!!! stay tuned for new chapters!!! StAy CoOl PrEtTy PrEtTy PrInCeS. sorry it was short 😅 

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