Chapter 2-The next morning

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Both of them didn't really get a good night's sleep. However they both got up, put their clothes on and went to the cafeteria and they met there. Kirk greeted Spock by saying:
"Good morning Mr. Spock! " Spock answered the greeting, "Good morning Captain. We have got a lot of work to do."
"Yes, yes. You are right Spock but first I want to eat a delicious sandwich! " Sang Kirk to Spock however his Vulcan friend was looking him in a different way that he was doing normally. Thus Kirk asked Spock,
"Is there something wrong Mr. Spock? "
"Captain, you almost never eat foods that will nourish you properly. " Admonished Spock.
"I am eating properly Spock! "
"Jim, you really aren't. "
"Why do you think so? " Contested Kirk.
"Because you always eat sandwiches, I think you are not nourished enough. " Stated Spock.
"Oh Then tell me Spock what should I eat to make myself nourished enough, A SALAD? " Grumbled kirk.
"Yes Captain eating a salad will nourish you properly. I also don't see a reason to be angry for being nourished. " Declared Spock nodding. Kirk stopped, looked then got confused in the end he realized that Spock was caring for him. He couldn't believed what he thought. He immediately scraped those emotions out of his head and responded with a little smile saying,
"Yes Mr. Spock. You are right I will eat a salad. Thank you. " He was much more calmer while saying this.
"No problem Captain" Replied Spock.
Captain really did get a salad which he never liked and waited for Spock to order. When they both had their meals, them both joined the others sitting on the right corner.
"Goo' mornin' Captain! " Said Scotty cheerfully.
"Hello Jim, wait a damn minute! What are you eating? " McCoy was shocked because how much he told Jim to eat something that will nourish him, he almost never listened to his advice and prescriptions.
"Well... Umm... Spock thought that I must nourish myself. " Muttered Kirk.
"This green-blooded hobgoblin, convinced you to eat a salad? " He asked irritated. He was a Doctor and his recommendations had never been listened to but when Spock said it Kirk instantly done it.
"There is no need to insult me Doctor. " Said Spock.
"But how Spock... How did you made Kirk decide to eat a Goddamn salad? " McCoy was amazed.
"I merely stated that he needed more nourishment. " Said Spock in his normal voice but Kirk sensed something, something like excitement, something like a deep caring sense,something like love.
Kirk saw people looking at him so he quickly replied saying.
"I new I had to eat nourishing foods when my two best crewman on board was sharing the same idea. " He said grinning and McCoy smiled.
"Why thank you Captain. "
"You are welcome Spock. "
McCoy sighed. They all finally sat down and ate their food. When they all was finished, they all began to go to their stations.
While Spock and Kirk were going, the ship was held by a tractor beam but the source of it was unknown to them. Kirk accidently fell over Spock almost like he was pushing him to the wall. Spock felt that he was getting greener because there was only an inch between their lips.
"Spock! Are you ok? " Asked Jim concerned that he might have hurt him.
"I am fine Captain. Will you? "
"Oh yes. I am sorry. "
"Not a problem at all... "
"It won't happen again. " He said it sharply by cutting Spock off.
"Captain I see no reason to be angry. It was only an accident. "
Captain wasn't angry he was feeling embarrassed and anxious. He was trying so hard to not make his emotions to obvious. He was a bit blush-y.
Spock wasn't so different. He was trying to surprise all of his emotions towards Kirk but he wouldn't say that he was successfull at it. Spock was now blushing too, his cheeks and ear tips were getting greener. Soon enough Spock said something,
"Captain I suggest that we go to the bridge. " He said this firmly.
"You are right Spock, let's go. "Said Kirk when they were on the bridge Kirk asked:
" Spock, do you know what happened? "
"Not at all Captain. " Said Spock.
He was using his instruments to try to locate who or what happened. While he was doing this Kirk was admiring him. Kirk thought that Spock was looking rather attractive today.
"Captain, there are undefined life forms. "
"I need further information Mr. Spock. " Kirk was trying to be serious to not let anyone know what he thought.
"Yes Captain. " Answered Spock.
"Keptin zer are tvo vessels approaching. "Informed Chekov.
" Show them on the screen, Liutenent. " Said kirk. There was almost 18 hours to get the unknown aliens to transport them into their home planet. Suddenly Uhura said:
"We are being hailed Captain. They are asking for visual"
"Put them on the screen, Liutenent. "
"Yes sir. " Said Uhura and put them on screen.
On screen there was a Starfleet Captain. He informed them by saying,
"We are in a hurry, we are assigned to another mission which is much more vital so we are sending the creatures to your ship. We request permission to transport these creature aboard your ship. "
"Request accepted. " Said Kirk. The creatures were transporting aboard Enterprise. love...with you. Where stories live. Discover now