The permission slip

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Amina's Pov

Yesterday was New Years and I must say I already feel the blessings of 2014. My cousins ( hadji and Fatima) getting married , senior trip, senior activities , and graduation! I can already smell the roses.

My name is Amina Darboe and at age 18 I have seen it all. I come from a family who is well known in our tribe and so once I say my name the door of many opportunities open . Alhamdullilah for Allah's blessings . I am a senior at John F Kennedy high school and my grades are at the top of my class; blessed and smart lol.

As every teenage senior my anticipations this year is my senior experience. I mean!! My school does it big!!

One thing though.. The talk of marriage has been ringing in my ear for the longest these days.. Hope it dies off like all the last times

"Wake up Amina !!! You know you hear me " I hear my sister say as I ignore her

"Shut up and please get out of my room.. And btw I cannot take you to school today I forgot to tell you last night" I was so irritated, every morning we went through this routine. Yes! I couldn't wake up on my own but no I did not need hermit the frog himself to wake me up!

I walked down stairs and saw my mom and dad in their favorite position ( feeding each other food) , they always seemed to forget that their kids were around and their days of romance was far gone! It was so embarrassing when they decided to do it in front of my friends. Killing me of shame!

After finishing with breakfast I made my way out and on my way to school .. It was the day before our overnight senior trip so I had to be there a little earlier then usual to hand in my permission slip. But first I had to pick up my friend zulaykha.

"Hurry up you loser. Quit fixing your hijab and get in the car " I told her once I saw her

" shut up you thing I'm coming ok" just then she got in and we were on our way.. This time straight to school

"Did your dad sign your permission slip? " I always asked her this because she always signed for her mom

" you already know the answer." She winked

"Lol yes ... Who am I kidding, it's you
Who we're talking about I almost forgot " we both laughed as I parked the car

Zulaykha was my friend of 3 years.. We bonded straight away because we found out we were both from the same culture. She was my partner in crime and alhamdullilah she knew when something was wrong with me even before I did. May Allah s.w.t make us neighbors in Janna. Amina's mom died when she was younger . Very young! And her dad was diagnosed with cancer shortly after She grew up having to learn on her own and didn't know anything about the culture or even to speak our language . But one thing she did know was a lot about Islam. I looked up to her for that.

Hello Amina to earth ~

As we walked into the school we started walking fast towards nowhere, it was 8:15 and if we didn't get paired before 8:45 we can't choose who we room with.

"Attention . Attention
For all the senior who just entered the building .. The permission slips are to go the the gymnasium. Please head there and keep in mind the 4 people you will like to room with.. Thank you and have a productive day"

"Run" I hear zulaykha tell me but my feet were already moving . Since I run faster then everyone at school ( this is a proven fact) I ran towards the gym right in time for an open "window" . Zulaykha came in about a minute after . Wheezing

" Hello miss , I'm here to hand in my permission slip"

"Ok first what's your name , and who are you going to room with" she said with the brightest most sarcastic smile ever

" my name is Amina Darboe and I would like to room with .." I didn't even finish my sentence and was cut off.. What nerve

" forget I asked. We had someone come in a few minutes ago and said you were rooming with her and three others" she said

"And who's that ..if I may ask?"

" miss Khadijah. Miss zulaykha and Miss Jamela... Are you ok with that set up or should we change it?" She said while still sarcastic

"Oh no .... No miss that's ok , matter of fact.perfect" I said just as I started imagining the crime we'll do lol

Zulaykha submitted her permission slip in and we were off to class. The day went fast today.

Amina  ~ The mandinka brideWhere stories live. Discover now