Chapter 3 : Plans

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You sat on your table piercing holes through your mobile screen for the past ten minutes. You were contemplating something a lot.

"Should I do it? Or maybe not!"

You had an insane urge to call him. Your heart was pounding so hard as your fingers hovered over this one single button. You were just about to press it, but you stopped yourself.

Maybe it wasn't really necessary to call him. Maybe he won't even like it. What if he finds you lame? What if you disturb him? These thoughts kept racing in your mind.

"Oh come on! Just straight ask him about it!"
Daeun said to you.

"Why can't you ask him for me?"
You looked at her.

"Just do it! Be direct. You know how he is" She insisted, which was true. She was always so direct.

"Yeah I know, but it's hard!" You whined.

"Oh man, you're acting like it's a hard question" She rolled her eyes.

You sighed as you rested your head on the table remembering whatever she said.

Daeun gave you Euijoo's number for you to straight ask him for help in your project. This thing is eating up your mind so much because you didn't have the courage to call him.

Daeun might not care but there were many reasons you were hesitant about this. Mostly you didn't wanna come out as desperate or someone who seeks help when needed.

You sighed and picked up your phone to check his number again but just froze as you stared at the number.

The temptation of calling him was so high. You weren't sure if you should just do it or not..?

"You know what..I'll just do it! For the sake of my good grades!"
You said as you finally called him.

A wave of nervousness overcame you as you waited for him to pick up. It felt like it was taking forever for him to answer. You kept staring at your phone and took a few deep breaths.

"Hello?" A familiar soft voice finally replied.

As soon as you hear him your breath stopped. You didn't have any courage left yet you answered him with a nervous voice. "Um, may I speak to...senior Euijoo?"

Euijoo looked at his mobile phone in surprise for a second making sure he just heard right.

"Yes, this is he"
His voice was so sweet and calming. You couldn't help but feel your heart beat a little faster at the sound of his voice. He sounded as if he wasn't bothered having this phone call.

"I don't know if you remember me but I'll say it anyways. It's Y/N here"
You said.

"Ah, yes. I remember"
He replied. He sounded very neutral. He didn't make any remarks but his words were also comforting in a way. "Is there something you need help with?" He asked, sounding slightly curious.

How does he know?
You thought with a blank expression.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you"
You said awkwardly.

"Not at all" He replied warmly. "What is it that you required my help with?" He asked. He was showing no signs of being bothered at all. He sounded very calm as usual.

"Thanks a lot! I actually needed your help project"
You said biting your lips not knowing how the hell he would react.

There was a short silence.

"Ah, really?"
He sounded like he was actually curious about your project. You felt relief as you realized he wasn't annoyed.

"Well, if that's so. Can you meet me somewhere, you can explain there?" He asked softly.

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