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(picture made by Artie. My partner for the event. Artie's art piece is amazing!!!)

It was spoken in legends that dragons protected the land once, that their power was immense, and when bonded to a dragon, incredible things happened. However, since no one had seen one for centuries, people suspected it was only a fairytale. Only the religious priests seemed to think such a creature existed and they preached their religion to the people...

Vector let out a voluntary struggle, but it was to no avail. His hands and feet were tied up in weird bindings, and no matter how hard he tried, he stayed the same. He let out a groan. The cold altar hit his back and reminded Vector of the dreadful event. Things had started so innocently. He had woken up in his hut on the outskirts of the village. He was looked down upon and ridiculed because of his strange purple eyes and ginger hair. It just suited him better to live by himself. However, at that moment, he found three strange crystals at the doorstep, each in different colors. What called to him the most was the bright obsidian one. He couldn't help himself and picked it up. That had been a mistake. A slight burn could be felt in his hand, and it caused him to drop it. He did not notice the symbol that had burned itself into the palm of his hand. After many experiments, like poking the gems with a stick to see if they would burn further, Vector decided to go to the market to sell the crystals. He lacked funds for the upcoming winter; surely someone would know about them. That was his second mistake. The minute any vendor took a look at the crystals, people backed away and shunned him. They were doing the cursed sign. Vector did not think much of it, at first. People already disliked him. It was hard for him to do any bargaining sometimes. Then again, maybe if Vector was familiar with the village customs, he should have run away. But he decided to stick around and that was his final mistake. It was there that the priest had appeared. Two of their soldiers were holding him in place, while one of the priests took his hand in theirs. The scared expression and the religious sign made on the chest were shown. Vector was sure he heard some muttering of, "Is he trying to kill us all?" there too. It was here that Vector realized he was in big trouble. It only got confirmed when Vector was dragged to one of their temples. He was bathed, and given a feast of food, which was a small compensation for everything else that followed. Him being tied to the altar inside some grotto. A strange-sounding language could be heard followed by a weird ritual. Incense was thrown in his face along with spices. It tasted salty. Was he given as dinner to the dragon? They had after all told him about his importance in that deranged ritual. Not that Vector wanted any part of it.

Then lightning struck the sky, causing everyone to take cover, leaving Vector alone at the altar, cursing his fate. The priests had looked so frightened, and Vector wondered what was up. Was the dragon already here?

"What a pretty little thing you are,"

Vector let out a surprised jerk. Or as well as he could have considered that he was tied up. There was someone there! A man! Vector hadn't even noticed him there before he spoke. Had he always been there? He was very handsome even though he was dressed in what looked like a tattered dark cloak. His eyes were heterochronic. One red. The other is blue. Not to mention his extremely long hair. Long red bangs fell down the side of his face while the rest was in black/goldish color. Vector wondered if it was a trick of the light, but it almost looked like his normal humane skin was glowing. Recalling the words, the man had spoken earlier, Vector believed the man to be the beautiful one. Though he of course did not voice that. Instead, he asked:

"Who are you?"

The man had this knowingly smirk, but he did not say a word. Instead, he was staring at Vector with such intensity that it made Vector uncomfortable. A hand was also rubbing his cheek in an almost caring manner.

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