Chapter 1- First Day Of Highschool

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~Ring, ring, ring!~

Taiyo slowly open her eyes as she turned her head to the alarm clock as she shut it off. She groan a little bit before sitting up on her bed.

She looked out of the window to see to bright sun and the lively neighborhood as the sunlight beam through her face, feeling refresh. Taiyo stand up as she walked towards the bathroom to take a shower...

After her nice shower, she gets dressed into her school uniform as she comb her hair. Taiyo looked at herself in the mirror as she smiled.

"Alright Taiyo, it's finally time!" She thought to herself as she walk out of her room and went downstairs.

As she walk downstairs, Taiyo spotted her mother making breakfast, she smiled as she spoke.

"Morning mom!" Taiyo said as she happily greeted her mother. Her mother, Jyuyo Nakayama, heard her as she turn to her and smiled.

"Good morning dear!" She said as she did a gesture for Taiyo that her breakfast is ready. Taiyo smiled as she walked towards the dining area and sat down as her mother handed her breakfast.

"Are you excited for your first day of Horikoshi Highschool?" Her mother asked as she smiled at Taiyo.

"I don't know..." Taiyo replied as she let out a sigh, feeling nervous but excited at the same time.

After Taiyo finished eating her breakfast, she grab her bag and wear her shoes.

"I'm off to school now Mom!" She said as her mother nodded.

"Have a great day!" Her mother said as she waved at Taiyo with a smile on her face as Taiyo left.

Taiyo arrived at school as she was amazed how the school building looked like.

"Woah..." Taiyo thought to herself as she smiled with excited

"Horikoshi Highschool, I'm here!" Taiyo smiled as she walked inside the school building

She explored the school building as she was amazed by how it looks. As Taiyo continued exploring, she suddenly bump into someone and fell flat on the ground as she groan.

"OI! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE-" Taiyo suddenly stop speaking as she saw who she bump into...

The Sun and The Moon (太陽と月-Taiyo to Tsuki)Where stories live. Discover now