Chapter 3

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The man grabbed Rey's hand again, leaving me alone after I sent him a nasty glare.

"Stop taking my hand!" Rey protested.

We ran out of the stall just as a TIE fighter flew over us, a second one followed close behind and fired a few shots at us. One of the shots landed on the stall we had just been in blowing it up and blasting us forward a bit, all three of us fell but me and Rey quickly got up.
Rey ran towards the man and shook him awake, it didn't take long to wake him up.

"Are you two ok?!" He asked once he was up.

Rey stared at him for a moment before replying. "Yeah."

I reached down and offered my hand. "Follow us" I said.

We started running again, the TIE fighters close behind us, the shots were getting closer and closer to us as we ran, it was sending the sand into the air as the shots made contact with the ground. All of us ran into the ship field looking for an escape.

"We can't outrun them!" The guy yelled

"We might..." Rey started.

"In that quadjumper!" I finished pointing to the ship just up ahead.

"Hey, we need a pilot!" He said quickly.

"We got one!" Rey yelled

"You!?" He said shocked

We kept running as the guy pointed to a ship off in the distance. "Uh, what about that ship?"

"That one's garbage!" Rey said

We were close to the quadjumper when one of the TIE fighters blew it up.

"The garbage will do." I stated as we ran towards the ship. I noticed it looked familiar put I couldn't put my finger on it, but as of the moment. The only thing I cared about was staying alive.

We ran onto the ship and me and Rey ran towards the cockpit of the ship. Rey quickly pointed towards a ladder that went downwards.

"Gunner position is down there!" She said as the guy climbed down the ladder, me and Rey make it to the cockpit and sat down.

"You two ever fly this thing!" We heard him yell.

"No! This ship hasn't flown in years!" I yelled back.

Rey quickly got the ship up and running as she kept repeating "I can do this, I can do this."

Once the ship was on, we took off, it was a rough take off, but we ended up finally getting off the ground and staying in the air.

"Wait, stay low! Hey, stay low!" I heard the guy say through the radio I quickly put headphones on so I could talk with him.

"What?!" I said.

"Stay low! It confuses their tracking."

"BB-8 hold on!" I said.

"I'm going low!" I heard Rey say, I quickly buckled myself in so I didn't get hurt.

Rey flew the ship down low to the ground and stayed there as the two TIE fighters zoomed by on Rey's side, we both gasped as they turned around and staring firing at the ship. They hit the ship once and I could could hear the guy make a weird noise through the radio.

"What are you doing back there!" Rey scolded.
"Are you ever going to fire back!?"

"I'm working on it! Are the shields up!" He states thought the radio.

I quickly leaned over and turned the shield on. Once the shields were up I noticed that the guy was now returning fire towards the TIE fighters. One of the TIE fighters managed to hit the ship again though.

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