Chapter 3

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Crashing the fresh roses under his heavy feet, Sasuke walked ahead with certain steps.

How could his angel do this to him? When Sasuke couldn't breathe, when Sasuke couldn't eat, when Sasuke couldn't sleep without him... How could he hurt Sasuke this way? It was only fair to hurt back, right? It was the right thing to do, right?

But when his angel looked up and locked his eyes with him, Sasuke forgot all the reason. He forgot where he was. He forgot what he was doing. All he knew was his angel and he was looking at him, he was smiling and that was all that mattered.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted happily. Letting go of the girl's hand, much to Sasuke's pleasure, he run to Sasuke's side immediately.

"Angel," Sasuke smiled softly as Naruto stood before him. "Good morning."

"Morning," His angel beamed. "What are you doing here?"

"I just-" Sasuke frowned as the girl walked up to them and linked her arms with Naruto's thin one.

"N-Naruto," She stuttered out. "Won't y-you intr-roduce u-u-us?"

"Yes," Naruto smiled. "Sasuke, this is Hinata-chan. My girlfriend."

Sasuke seethed silently. What the fuck this Hyuuga girl was doing here? Claiming to be his angel's girlfriend?

"Sasuke," Sasuke said through gritted teeth.

Naruto smiled up to the dark haired man. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah," Sasuke said slowly with a frown. He put his hand over his heart and looked down to his chest with a confused expression. "My heart... It hurts."

Naruto gasped. Getting free of Hinata's arms around him, he held Sasuke's hand tightly and led him to an examination room quickly.

"Why?" Naruto asked worriedly as he helped Sasuke to settle down on a stretcher.

Naruto couldn't describe what he felt at the moment.

His heart was fluttering strangely. It had been three days since the last time he had seen Sasuke and his mind was occupied with him completely. He was worried for his health. He wondered if he ate enough, if he took his medicine and if he slept well.

It was strange. Naruto had never felt like this with a patient before. Then again, he had never spent so much time with one either. He had gotten so used to taking care of Sasuke that he felt a strange emptiness when didn't look after him.

And now Sasuke was saying his heart hurt... What could be the reason? Maybe he wasn't back to his health yet? Naruto knew that he shouldn't have let Sasuke get his way to leave the hospital earlier.

"I'm going to bring your doctor, okay?" Naruto asked gently.

He moved to leave the small room but a strong hand stopped him by gripping his wrist.

"Don't," Sasuke said and Naruto turned to the lost looking man.

"There is something bothering you," Naruto voiced softly.

Sasuke blinked. He was known for his emotionless masks. "How do you know?"

Naruto smiled softly. "Your brows wrinkle a bit here," He said and touched the small space between Sasuke's eyebrows. "And your fingers twitch a lot."

Sasuke looked at his hand which was still holding Naruto's thin wrist tightly. "Just... how?"

"How do I know so much about you?" Naruto smiled beautifully and then shrugged. "I've been with you for months. You've been my top priority for so long that I just feel like I know everything about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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