☆ 17 : i must confess.

Start from the beginning

"No, they're not. But listen, your honesty means a lot to me. Maybe..." he hesitated, a playful glint returning to his eyes, "maybe we can explore this new side of things, slow and carefully. No pressure, just seeing where it takes us?"

Beomgyu's smile widened, genuine this time. "Yeah," he agreed, a newfound sense of possibility blooming in his chest. "Seeing where it takes us sounds good."

They left the studio together, the weight of unspoken feelings lifted. The future remained uncertain, but for now, the tentative promise hanging in the air was enough. They had their friendship as a foundation, a bond strengthened by honesty and vulnerability. As they walked side-by-side, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Beomgyu knew that whatever path their feelings took, their friendship would endure. 


Weeks turned into months, and the tentative exploration of their feelings blossomed into something more. Beomgyu and Yeonjun found themselves drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Stolen glances during practice, lingering touches as they passed instruments, whispered jokes that only they understood – their unspoken bond deepened with each passing day.

However, the shadow of Jaehyun loomed large. While Yeonjun never explicitly mentioned anything further developing with him, the occasional text notification or stolen glance across the room from Jaehyun sent a jolt of jealousy through Beomgyu. He tried to bury it, focusing on the stolen moments with Yeonjun, the late-night talks that stretched into the early hours, their laughter echoing in Beomgyu's small apartment.

One particularly stifling summer afternoon, after a practice session filled with charged glances and playful nudges from Soobin and Taehyun, the unspoken tension finally reached a boiling point. Beomgyu found himself alone with Yeonjun in the studio, packing up their instruments.

"Hey," Beomgyu started, his voice barely a whisper. "We need to talk."

Yeonjun looked up, concern furrowing his brow. "Is everything alright?"

Beomgyu took a deep breath. "No, not really. This whole thing... it's confusing."

Yeonjun sat down on a stool, his gaze fixed on Beomgyu. "Confusing how?"

"Confusing because..." Beomgyu hesitated, frustration welling up inside him. 

"Because we have these moments, these amazing moments, and then there's Jaehyun. And I don't know where I stand."

The frustration spilled out, the months of unspoken anxieties bubbling to the surface. He confessed his jealousy, the fear of being a placeholder, a second choice. Yeonjun listened patiently, his expression unreadable.

When Beomgyu finished, a heavy silence descended upon them. Finally, Yeonjun spoke, his voice soft but firm. 

"Beomgyu, you deserve more than that. More than stolen moments and confusion. And the truth is, things with Jaehyun... they fizzled out a while back. It just never felt right."

Relief washed over Beomgyu, warm and sweet. But before he could revel in it, Yeonjun continued.

"But that doesn't mean I have all the answers here. These feelings for you, they're new for me too. I care about you deeply, Beomgyu, but I need to be honest with myself, with you. I need some time to figure things out."

Disappointment pricked at Beomgyu, but there was also a grudging respect. He understood. This uncharted territory required them both to navigate carefully.

"Okay," Beomgyu finally said, his voice steady despite the tremor in his heart. "Take your time. Just... promise me you'll be honest with me, no matter what." 

Then Yeonjun said: 

" Close your eye a little bit. "

Beomgyu asked why, Yeonjun shushed him and covered his eyes. 

" You'll know. " 

Then he gently landed a kiss on Beomgyu's forehead. Beomgyu's open his eyes again, he didn't believed what has happen. Beomgyu's face his as red as ever. Yeonjun said:

" Take this as my favor for you. You'll have an answer from me very soon. "


Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun for a while. 

" I'll wait for your answer. "

Yeonjun offered a small smile, his eyes filled with a newfound determination. 

"Always, Beomgyu. Always."

They left the studio that day, the air no longer heavy with unspoken tension, but replaced by a fragile understanding. The future remained uncertain, but their bond, forged in honesty and vulnerability, had grown stronger. As they walked side-by-side, the city lights twinkling on in the approaching dusk, Beomgyu knew that no matter what path their feelings took, their friendship would be the guiding star, leading them through the uncertainty.


(Yeonjun hasn't decided his answer to Beomgyu yet!! More chapters going on ahead about Yeonjun's feelings :3 )

i need ideas guh (i'm overworking these days sm :'> )

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