Hobi nods, "Correct." He says as he sits and Jimin stands up.

"What was our latest book called?" he asks.

I shoot my hand up quickly, "Beyond the Story!"

"Yes!" he cheers. "What is an ARMY bomb?" he asks next.

Taki raises his hand.

"Taki if you answer correctly, your point will go to Sannie." He says.

"An ARMY bomb is your official light stick used at concerts and other events."

Jimin takes a seat and Jungkook stands up. "What is a fan chant?"

I shoot my hand up again, "a song sang in unison at a concert."

"Correct." He says, "What is a FESTA?" he asks.

Lutz gets this question right as the rest of the questions fly by and in the end Em and I have the most points as we tied. We were given a tie breaker.

"When is our FESTA?" RM asks as he is the last to ask questions.

"June 13th." I say quickly and in the end I win.

We are then sent on our way to relax and enjoy the pool and the beach. I head back to the hut to grab my bag as I will be meeting RM and Jimin at one of the off limit huts that have no cameras as we needed to talk, or in their terms, kiss.

Things got heated that day and I ended up sleeping with both of them. Something I normally never done, but emotions were running high and we were alone, so it happened and none of us were against it. I just wished we used protection, but that would be a later problem as we had to get back to the others before we were found out.

By the time we got back, it was lunch time. We sat around eating our delicious salads and sandwiches, trying to keep cool as the temperatures were rising yet again. When an alert went out amongst the crew, everyone was asked to remain indoors for the afternoon. Many went back to their huts to rest, while others played games amongst each other. BTS was sent back to their hut as they had things to be done. Lady and I stayed for a bit but when no one would allow us to join, we headed back to our hut to get away from everyone.

Dinner that night was quiet and Rosa won the question of that day when asked what Jungkook was afraid of. The answer was microwaves which caused the room to laugh.

We were then asked to join them watching Frozen as snacks are drinks were provided. Once the movie was over, we were quizzed on it since it was early in the day and no one wanted to go to their huts yet.

Each member of BTS was given five questions to ask the contestants. Each question answered correctly was given a point. The most points racked up afterwards earned a point for the board. Our plus ones were able to help us answer, but any they got right were points given to us.

Jin started the game with the following questions:

1. How did Anna and Elsa's parents die?

2. What is the name of the Kingdom that Anna and Elsa are mean to rule?

3. What is Elsa's age in the movie?

4. What is Anna's age in the movie?

5. What is the name of the talking snowman Elsa creates with her superpowers?

He looks around the room and points to Ray and Pez as they will answer them first. When they were done, they got three out of the five correct. This caused them not to gain a point.

"The answers are: Shipwreck, Arendelle, 21, 18, and Olaf." He says and takes a seat.

Yoongi stands up and says his five questions:

1. What name did Elsa give the snowman she created to drive Anna away from the Ice Palace?

2. Which group of creatures raised the character with the name of Kristoff?

3. Between Elsa and Anna, who is younger?

4. Which character introduces themselves by saying they like warm hugs?

5. What is the surname of Elsa and Anna?

He chooses Lee and Dee to answer. Lee gets four right, while Dee gets the last one correct, earning them a point. Their answers were: Marshmallow, The Rock Trolls, Anna, Olaf, Grand Pabbie and Oldenburg.

He sits and Hobi stands, reading off his questions:

1. Whose act of true love saves Anna by unfreezing her heart?

2. Based on the warnings she received, what is Elsa's greatest fear?

3. Which part of Anna's body does Elsa accidentally freeze when they are young?

4. The line "Some people are worth melting for" is uttered by whom?

5. Who is the first main character we see in Frozen?

He chooses Lady and me; I get all the questions correct. My answers were: Kristoff, fear, head, Olaf and Krisoff.

This goes on for five more rounds and Lee is voted the winner. We all clap as we clean up our messes before being sent to a room to do more solo interviews these are a bit more in depth then silly questions.

When Lady and I entered the room, a few of the crew were there with clipboards and cameras. We are ushered into chairs where our hair and makeup are done quickly so that it looks like we are put together, but the questions are asked.

What we didn't know was that BTS was watching from their hut as their reactions were being filmed.

My questions ranged from what was me experiences on the island been like. Did I have fun with the games that were being played? How would I talk about my experiences to ARMY once the show was over with and stuff like that. I answered whole-heartedly, happy that this would be the end of the itinerary for the night as I needed some sleep. I was tired and Lady was rushing to finish as she saw my eyes droop in tiredness.

"Thank you for being here. We wish you a good night." They tell us and we are dismissed.

I head back to the hut with Lady on my heels. We changed into our bed clothing before dropping into bed. We would shower in the morning. As my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

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