Just an Appendage, Live to Attend Him.

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Born screaming and clutching her twin's fist pulling him out of Alicent Hightower's womb along with her, Maenara Targaryen was fated to become a protector

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Born screaming and clutching her twin's fist pulling him out of Alicent Hightower's womb along with her, Maenara Targaryen was fated to become a protector.

Her wisps of auburn and deep brown hairs, in any other case would have raised concerns that the fifteen year old child bride of the king had been unfaithful, but luckily for Alicent and Maenara, Aegon Targaryen was the spitting image of his father in his youth, the soft features and blonde locks as well as vivid violet eyes, were distraction enough from Maenara's auburn curls and green eyes.

Maenara had been the one to speak first, where she was polite and well mannered, much like her mother, Aegon was territorial and would burst into hour long tantrums if he was not the centre of attention.

On their second name day celebration, while Aegon was fussed over by the Noble Lords and their father the king, Maenara sat on the floor at her heavily pregnant mothers feet, babbling along and eating the small pastries Lady Redwyne (Mother of the famed Owain Redwyne) would pass to her in an unusually calm manner for a child of her age.

When Helaena was born Maenara saw it her duty to fuss over Helaena, and whenever the maids left the nursery, beckoning the queen to calm the babe, Maenara would hum songs her mother had sung when she and Aegon were younger.

Aemond had been born during one of the worst storms King Landing had seen in decades, Aegon and Helaena had fussed and cried during the whole ordeal, Maenara, who was three and a half years old at the time had remained calm, she knew her brother was being born, a maid had offhandedly made a comment to another maid, believing the children wouldn't comprehend such things, Aegon didn't, or perhaps he had and didn't care, and Helaena could barely crawl, so Maenara had no expectations of her.

When she was four and Helaena two, Maenara had taught her little sister to braid flower crowns. The two girls were often found with a maid at their side, picking the brightest flowers from the ground. That was where Helaena's fascination with bugs had grown.

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