shes back (charli grant)

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It is the first day of going back to play with the Matilda's after my acl injury I am so excited yet nervous of how my play will be and I'm nervous as I really don't want another injury.

I stepped into the Matilda's training centre for the very first time after 9 months, I didn't realise how much I had missed it until I was actually here.

Steph Catley has always had something against me but I'm not sure why as I've never done anything to upset her.

But I pushed that hatred to the side and just focussed on seeing all the girls again.

I walked over to Tony's office and he greeted me and said he was so happy to see me able to play again and that he missed me on the team and things.

We walked to the changing rooms and he told me to wait outside and he'll tell me when to come in.

There was another girl outside the door to she was a new member to the team I assumed I greeted her and found out her name was Kaitlyn Torpey.


I was sitting with kyra and Mini talking about how we should all go out and we can make tiktoks with harper and just small talk.

Tony came in and said he had an announcement.

"Hello girls, so lovely to see all of you after you went back to your clubs but I've got a few announcements." Tony spoke.

"So first of all we've got a new member to the team, come in kaitlyn!" Tony said telling kaitlyn to go into the changing rooms where all the girls were.

"Hi guys I'm Kaitlyn." She spoke giving the girls a little wave.

A mix of hi's and hello's came from the tillies.

"Go and sit down Kaitlyn." Tony gave a small smile and gestured to where all the girls were sitting.

Kaitlyn sat down next to alanna.

"But girls, that's not all." Tony said.

"come on in here y/n." Tony said gesturing for me to come into the changing room.

I walked in excitedly but a bit nervous as I had not seen these girls since I had come back from my injury.

"hey guys." I said greeting them all with a smile.

"YN!" Kyra said running up to me and hugging me.

"Hey kyyyyy!" I said hugging her back as she led me to go and sit with her, charli and mini.

I've always had the biggest crush on y/n but I was going to admit I liked her while we were rooming together in a Matilda camp but she got injured on the day I was going to tell her I liked her.

Even though she's been out for months with her injury my love for her hasn't changed one bit.

Kyra ran up and hugged her and brought her to sit down in between me and herself, on the other side to me was mini.

Toby started speaking again as Kyra and y/n had sat down.

She looked very nervous and her leg was bouncing up and down which was understandable, I mean I would be nervous if I'd just come back to my national squad for the first time after a massive injury.

I put my hand on her thigh to try to comfort her a little which seemed to work as she laid her head on my shoulder and her leg stopped bouncing.

We got changed and went out to training and I couldn't help but smile to myself about y/n feeling so comfortable around me and her laying her head on my shoulder.

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