NINE: The Perfect Dress

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"darling you look perfect tonight"
(Perfect by Ed Sheeran)

Kim Y/n 🍓
"Mrs Jeon- you shouldn't be doing all thi-" I said, looking at the wedding store infront of us. It was a bridal store, that Jungkooks mother had dragged me too.

"Uh uh uh call me Eomma or Mom ofcourse, and yes! I have to do this!" She said, grabbing my arm and rushing inside. The staff greeted us and by now, with the places I've been to with Jungkook. I'm a bit used to it.

Jungkooks mom walked infront going through racks and racks of dresses and so did i. Until I came across a pretty dress. It had lace on it. And it was beautiful.

"Do you like that?" I heard her say. As I smiled. "Mrs- I mean Eomma. This is all really not necessary I have a white dress I can-"

"What rubbish! Were taking this and a veil and tiara." She said, ordering the staff to bring out and dress me up. I sighed laughing technically giving up.

Somehow I felt guilty.
She was so happy and one day all of it was just going to crash. I sighed, as the staff began putting the stuff on me.
Once I was ready in the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror. I never in my life would've expected to have a fake wedding..atleast to me it was fake.

I looked at myself smiling. What if I just imagined I was getting married? I closed my eyes. Imagininv walking down the aisle. To the person I love. But why do I only see Jungkook standing at the alter?

I jolted my eyes open, gasping at The staff tapping me, I smiled at her softly, before walking outside. To be met with Jungkooks mom, and now Yunjin and Jiwon. Did they just arrive.

Looking at me their eyes softened. As I smiled. Standing infront of them. As a tear slipped from Jungkooks moms eyes. As I smiled, wiping it away. "I can't believe my Jungkooks getting married." She cried. As I immediately hugged her.

Tears suddenly filled my eyes, I felt overwhelmed, why am I feeling like I'm really getting married?

I smiled at her. As she kissed my forehead. Telling the staff to pack all the stuff up.

Once I dressed back into my clothes and walked Yunjin stood in front of me.

She looked down before looking back at me. "Look. I have no idea why or how all this is happening but. Ever since you've met my brother he's smiling. And he's happy and I'm happy seem like a nice girl." She said, a smile coating her lips before she hugged me tight.

"AND IVE BEEN DYING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT MY BROTHER FOR AGESSS" she said, finally laughing. "I'm sorry for being a bit caught up. I'm Yunjin and i like you" she said nodding. As I smiled back. "Thanks, you want icecream?" I asked as she nodded.
As we got out of the car, "y/n." I heard Jungkooks mother called. I smiled looking at her, as she handed me a black velvet box. "This is my jewellery. It was passed down from my grandmother to my mother and to me. And today I'm passing it. To you."

"Eomma what about yunjin-"
"I already have something to give her don't you worry" she said patting my hair. "Y/n. You'll keep my son happy right?" She asked, holding my hand. As I smiled.

"Always Eomma." I said before she smiled, as I watched the car drive away. With a heavy heart I walked back inside the house.

The door slammed making me realise Jungkook was home, I've been contemplating wether to talk to him about this or not, ever since Jungkooks mother spoke to me about all of this. I've been feeling heavy hearted and guilty

I saw him removing his coat as I went upto him. "Jungkook, uh we need to talk." I said. As he looked at me "what for?" He asked, pouring himself a glass of water. "I-i met your mom for wedding dresses remember?" I said. Making him nod. He nodded "did you find one?" He asked.

There was something weird about him today, he was colder. Was he stressed he looked mad too. But I need to talk to him about this before it's too late.

I nodded and then continued. "I feel bad for your parents Jungkook they think it's all real.." I said making him stop his actions. "I know y/n. But were too far deep. My father shouldn't have pressured me for something i didn't want." He said.

"Just let me dad sign me the company, he told me today. He's doing the day after the ceremony. It's just a little bit of time." He said. As I followed him.

"M-maybe we can tell your sister or somebody-"

"Y/n. Were not telling anyone. End of discussion. It's just a few more days." Jungkook said firmly.

"I know but-"

"Why do you even care so much? It's just an act. You wont have anything to do with me after that." He said. Making my heart ache a bit.

"Really? That's it?" I asked.
As he turned around, he looked pissed somehow.

"What you didn't expect for us to actually I don't know be something did you?" He asked. As I looked at him.

"Your liking playing my wife aren't you y/n?" He asked harshly walking towards me. "You like the cameras, the attention the money the wealth?!" He asked, his tone getting harsher, as tears filled my eyes.

"How dare you-"
"How dare i? I'm just saying the truth. People like things they get for the first time." He said, as my tears finally fell. Making his gaze soften. He closed his eyes tightly shut. Before sighing.


I walked out.
He had no right to do this. Or behave so rudely
I heard his footsteps behind me. But I just got in a cab. And before he could come
The cab sped off..

No one has insulted me. Ever. This way.
🍓: an unfortunate change of events?

Until next time ~
-Ava <3

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