Chapter 41 night swim

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John B looked at the two. ''no, you're both out of it''. ''come on Johnny boy, have some fun''. ''you just got shot at a few hours ago RJ''. ''yeah, but I'm fine John B. Don't be a buzz kill''.

Suddenly they heard a clash sound coming from the inside.

Shortly after that, a scared Pope came out. ''what was with the yelling? Are we getting shot at again?''. JJ shook hie head at the boy. ''no, we're skinny dipping''. Pope furrowed his brows. ''that explains why RJ's half naked''. ''oh, I know you like to admire me Popeye''.

Pope gaged. ''I ain't gay bro, and if I were. You would not be my type''. ''keep telling yourself that. I'm everyone's type''. ''cocky'', JJ snickered.

Sarah couldn't hold her laugh in anymore. Everyone took their gaze on her. ''what's so funny princess?''. ''nothing'', she replied. The Routledge boy got closer to his girlfriend. ''want to repeat that again?''. Sarah could feel his warm breath on her and it made her body shiver. ''n-nothing''.

''uh no. Don't even start RJ. You've kept it in your pants for a long time, so keep doing that until you both are alone'', JJ spoke up.

RJ sighed and put his head down for a moment, before facing JJ. ''you know J. Everything ain't about that stuff. I just like to make Sarah frustrated, like she is now. Maybe you're the one whose thinking about that. When was the last time you got laid?''.

JJ stared at him, but kept his mouth shut. ''being desperate, doesn't suit you J''. With that comment everyone but the girls laughed and JJ.

''RJ that was not cool'', Kie told the boy. RJ could see his best friend was not taking a like to what he said. ''yeah I know. Sorry JJ''.

JJ was not mad, but he wasn't pleased with the boy either. He looked at Sarah. ''hey Sarah, wanna know what your boyfriend did before Shoupe arrested him outside redfield lighthouse?''.

Now RJ's eyes looked directly at JJ. ''JJ, no don't man. It's in the past''. ''JJ, that is not necessarily'', Kie told the boy firmly.

JJ didn't listen to them, instead he moved on. ''your boyfriend swapped spit with Kiara''. Sarah looked at Kie then at her boyfriend who was already looking at her. ''yo I can explain''. Sarah gestured him to go on with her hands. ''so, like this was before me and you happened. JJ was like saying that Kie were into me. He blabbered and blabbered about her and you. I don't know what went into my head that day, but like I was stressed and Kie was there. It just sort of happened, but like she shot me down afterwards and I like agreed''.

''it's true. It was just a quick kiss. Neither of us enjoyed it'', Kie agreed. Sarah looked at her former best friend. ''so, let me get this straight. RJ kissed you and you turned him down?''. ''well, yeah pretty much. It was just because of the stress, nothing more Sarah. A few days ago I'd like gloat about it to make you angry, but now thing has changed'', Kie answered honestly.

Sarah nodded towards the Carrera girl and looked back at her boyfriend with furrowed brows. The boy held his hands up in defence. ''hey, it didn't mean anything. When you kissed me at the ferry. It felt like fireworks, when I kissed Kie it felt like kissing my sister or some shit. No offence Kie''. ''none taken. I felt like it was kissing my brother''.

Sarah shrugged. ''okay''. RJ raised a brow at the Camron girl. ''okay? You ain't mad?''. ''I mean I don't have a reason, it happened before me and you. And you said kissing her made you feel like kissing your sister, but with me it was fireworks. So, I don't see a problem''.

JJ's jaw dropped. ''did I say that out loud for everyone to hear?''. ''yeah, you did buddy'', Pope assured. ''you're whipped Routledge, so whipped'', JJ said.

RJ scratched his head. ''cool''. ''whipped''. ''JJ''. ''always JJ''. ''shall we take a swim then?''.

''why not?''. ''wait, you want to Sarah?''. ''eh, yeah I don't see a problem''. ''you know, I mean that we're going to have to take our clothes off''. ''well, you already have''.

Sarah stripped her clothes which allowed her to just being in her bra and underwear.

RJ gulped at the sight. ''god, I have the most beautiful girlfriend of the outer banks''. Sarah pushed the boy lightly as a blush crept onto her cheeks.

While they were occupied with that. JJ ran besides them naked, hopping into the water.

''did he just?''. ''he did''.

JJ looked from the water and up to his friends. ''what are ya'll waiting for? Come on jump out it's just the right temperature''.

John B stripped down to, but only in his boxers. ''I ain't going nude out. I'm to sober for that''. He jumped out.

Kie sighed. ''I'm not, but I ain't that drunk to do that'', said the Carrera girl who took all of her clothes except her underwear and bra. She jumped out after John B. Then Pope after that.

''well, shall we too?''. ''are you going out without?'', she gestured to his boxers. He chuckled. ''well, seeing as JJ is the only one that really is skinny dipping. I guess I should support him''.

RJ noticed the hesitant eyes of the Cameron girl. ''hey, you don't need to. I understand completely. It's your body, your choice princess''. She looked at him with love in her eyes. ''you won't be mad?''. His eyes widened. ''mad? Why would I be mad? It's not my decision, it's yours. Has someone said anything to you, Sarah?''.

The Cameron girl sighed. ''uh me and Topper were at this party. We went into a room and one thing led to another. We were about to do it, but I chickened out when he was about to take my bra off. He got mad and implied that I lead him on''.

All RJ felt at that moment was anger, how could the Thorton boy do that to Sarah. He made her feel insecure about herself.

''if I see that son of a bitch I'm goi...''. ''to do nothing'', Sarah interrupted. ''but Sarah?''. ''no, RJ''. The boy sighed. ''look he never deserved a girl like you. You are too good for him Sarah. Frankly you held out with him to long in my perspective. I can tell you so many things that I lo... like about you, but then we'll be here when the sun starts to come up. All I will say is that no one can have a match for the Sarah Cameron. Not because of your father or your last name, but because you are you. I know I ain't good enough for you, that's why I feel myself lucky to be in your presence''.

Sarah shook her head. ''don't say that. You are not, not good enough for me. Cause you are RJ. Never have I ever felt what I feel for you. I don't think anyone can make me feel the way, you do''.

Instead of speaking further, Sarah took the boy's head and made it come closer to her. She connected their lips.

''woho, lovebirds get out here. The water is not cold nor warm. So, kiss later and join your friends'', JJ interrupted them. ''JJ, they're occupied. Let them be'', John B tried to reason with the boy.

Sarah and RJ broke their kids and just chuckled at them. ''come on let's go out and have some fun, with clothes on''. Sarah was confused. ''but didn't you want to skinny dip?''. RJ smiled at the girl. ''nah, I don't really care about that. I just want to have a midnight swim, with my princess''.

The boy took his girlfriend's hand in his and interviewed them, walking over to the gang. Helping his girlfriend into the water.

To be continued

The pogue boy and the kook princess Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ