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"You're the one who was with me in the lift a-and the hotel th-that night.." Jake said as panted.

Sunghoon's eyes widened in shock. "W-what?" He said as he backed away.

"Now I remember.. it was you who was with me.." Jake said as he had flashbacks.

"I don't understand anything.." Sunghoon said as he averted his gaze.

"Don't even dare to lie Sunghoon. I know it was you." Jake stared him.

"Jake, I don't know anything" Sunghoon pleaded.

"I SAID DON'T DARE TO LIE TO ME!" Jake yelled as he held Sunghoon's to prevent him from moving away.

"Let go of my hand, Jake" Sunghoon said in a scary voice which made Jake shiver but he was still determined.

"No! Tell me why you did that to me?" He asked.

"I SAID LET GO OF MY HAND" Sunghoon yelled.

"Naur! tell me first!" Jake raised his voice.

Sunghoon was trying to let Jake go of his hand but Jake had a firm grip on his hand and didn't let him go. This made Sunghoon's anger issues rise.

"Why are u mute now? JUST-" Jake wasn't able to finish his words.

Sunghoon harshly pushed him on the bed and pinned his hands on the either side of his head. Jake looked at him in shock and fear.

"Yes! That was me! Yes I kissed you! I FUCKING KISSED YOU! WHEN YOU HUGGED ME IN THE LIFT oh that faint vanilla and lavender scent" Sunghoon mumbled as he smelled his neck.

Flashback, A few months ago

Sunghoon Pov-

I was here in a club for some deals and it went well. Now I'm just relaxing in the VIP area, looking around. But then I spotted a familiar figure.

Isn't that Jake over there? What is he doing over here? I didn't know he was the type to go to clubs? I wondered.

Well, fuck.. he's looking hot.. I look around to see who he came here with and saw some of his friends.

I was staring at him while drinking a glass of flower wine (Y'all Istg it tastes so fine)

And then I saw him get up with his friends to go to the dance floor.

I don't like it since there are many drunk men there who keep getting close to him but my Jake is too drunk to figure what's going on.

I saw a man trying to touch him so I quickly went there and came in the middle and stopped him.

"Get the fuck away" And the man backed away. Damn that was easy.

Then I saw Jake wobbling and making his way out so I followed him to keep him safe.

We entered the elevator together. He was leaning on the walls where as I was on the other corner, keeping my distance because I know I won't be able to control myself if he gets too close.

Suddenly the lights in the elevator went out and it shook. Jake screamed and quickly hugged me. I felt my heartbeat rise. Oh his faint vanilla and lavender scent was driving me crazy.

He looked up with his doe eyes and we make eye contact. That was it. I can't resist no more.

I pulled down my mask and crashed my lips on his. He tried to push me away but couldn't. After a minute of resisting, he gave into the kiss and kissed me back.

If I wasn't crazy before, I'm definitely not sane now. The lights went on again but we were too absorbed in the moment.

I quickly pressed the button to the 15th floor, where guest rooms are present.

I carried him in while kissing him.

(I'mma make this scene quick and short)

Hoon brought him in, the made out some more with some touches here and there (thighs, waist etc) and then went to his neck making marks. Jake kept moaning.

"You taste so fucking good" Sunghoon said as he sucked his neck and Jake moaned.

I was about to take the clothes off when I realised what was happening. Shit I lost control, after two months of maintaining my distance.

But this is wrong he doesn't love me like I do. He doesn't like me. Hell..he doesn't even know me.

I look towards Jake again and found him unconscious. I caressed his cheeks. I wanna love and cherish him but I'm not one to him.

"I love you Jake, I really do. Forgive me for today and have a good sleep"

I hope one day, one day I can finnally call him mine. I wore my jacket which I took off when I entered and left the room and building.

End of flashback

"You made me crazy Jake.." Sunghoon mumbled.

"I what? How?" Jake asked confused.

Sunghoon looked here and there, trying to make up and excuse.

"Jake, I was drunk that day just like you. I never meant any of it. It was all a mistake" Sunghoon said.

"M-mistake?" Jake didn't know why but it hurt his heart.

"Y-yeah" Sunghoon said as he got up from him and the bed.

"I don't remember anything, except for somethings.." Jake said.

"Just so you know, we kissed but never did it" Sunghoon said.

"Oh.." Jake mumbled.

"I'm gonna go. I-I have some work.." Sunghoon said and left the room.


I kinda cringed while writing this.

Also, I apologise for making y'all wait. As I mentioned in the announcement, I forgot about updating this and wa kinda busy.
This was supposed to come out yesterday but I went out and returned home late.

To compensate, I wrote this is a free study haul class lol😭

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