"But I—"

"I'll give you his number." Seonghwa turned to him taking out his phone from his back pocket while Wooyoung tryied to snatch it from his hands with unsuccessful results.

San hesitantely took out his own phone too.

"Are you sure? He doesn't really seems to like the idea."

Seonghwa looked up at him from his phone. Wooyoung had now completely given up on trying to get his phone so he was able relax.

"Yeah, he does need to know new people, if not for something romantic maybe for a friendship." Seonghwa turned to Wooyoung and then to San again. "Or maybe a quick fuck."

A coughing fit from Wooyoung took San by surprise as Seonghwa just shrugget at his friend saying an unbothered "You know that's true, don't try and deny it."

San decided to leave the two friends alone and went back inside to retrieve his guitar and his helmet before walking back outside to his motorbike, and the guys were gone, maybe inside of the bar, maybe to their own homes. Maybe San didn't want to get drunk after all.

He reached his own house about fine minutes later.

When he entered, he found his little brother on the couch, looking at his phone, but he immediately looked up once he heard the door opening.

"Hey San, how did it go?"

"I got a cute guy's number but he didn't really want to give it to me. His friend did."

"I meant the performance." Jongho raised an eyebrow "As much as I find your romantic life intriguing I'm definitely too tired to listen to you talk about a random guy."

"His name's Wooyoung, he is not a random guy. And why didn't you go to sleep if you're so tired?"

Jongho's ears became red as San walked to the couch and dropped his exausted body on it.

"...I wanted to ask you how was Yeosang..."

"He's doing well, just stressed about his girlfriend." He rolled to his side on the couch.

"They're still together?"

"Yeah, he's trying to find a way to break up with her without hurting her. I don't know why he doesn't like her anymore tho'."

Jongho looked down at his hand in his lap.

"Maybe he just lost feelings, we don't know how they actually work. If I could I'd stop liking him in a heartbeat."

"Maybe you should confess." San said looking up at his younger brother. It was a fair thought. "If you confess and he rejects you you could have an excuse to get over him."

"No." His brother shook his head. "I can't. I'm not ready to get rejected, not yet."

San nodded turning on his back on the couch. It pained him in a way to see his little brother this down. And now there was also the matter with Hongjoong and Mingi. He really didn't know what to do.

"What were you telling me about the guy? Wooyan, was it?" Jongho spoke up.

"Wooyoung. And yeah, I don't really know if I should text him. He seemed really against his friend giving me his number." He sighed.

"Just go for it. What's the worst that could  happen?"

Ha stayed silent for a while, thinking of all the possibilities. Jongho was right though, what was the worst that could happen? A guy he didn't even know rejecting him? He didn't have feelings after all, he just found the other boy really attractive. And if that really went wrong then fine, that meant it wasn't meant to happen anyway right?

"You know what? Fuck it." He took out his phone and clicked on the newely added contact "Wooyoung" and started typing, stopping right after.

"What should I write?" He looked at his brother that was back on his own phone.

"I don't know, something like 'hey it's the guy that asked for your number earlier' ?"


He started writing once again, pressing "send" once he finished, and then got up and started walking to his room.

"Jongho, I'm gonna shower and go to sleep. You should do the same after."

His brother waved his hand in response and he walked to the bathroom with a clean change of clothes he just grabbed from his room.

The water was hot and helped him ease his mind. He thought about his bandmates. He decided not to do anything for the time being and if the current situation kept on going on, just then he would talk about it with Hongjoong.

After the shower he was too tired to even think about something that made sense, and just collapsed on his bed without even bothering with getting under the covers. It had been a long night after all.



Hey, It's San from earlier.
I'm sorry your friend gave me your number without your consent, so if you don't want to reply that's absolutely fine.

I hope you have a good night.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 | Seongjoong/Ateez ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن