1. The soul's magic

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Kostek strolled through the bustling streets of Cracovia, the city that had risen from the ashes of war. The memories of the concentration center lingered in the recesses of his mind, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the normalcy of his teenage life. At 17, he had friends, school, and the mundane yet comforting routine of everyday existence.

It was a sunny afternoon when Kostek decided to share his secret with his closest friends, Florian and Edham. The three of them gathered in the "Blue park," a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city, known for its vibrant blue flowers and serene atmosphere.

"Guys, there's something I need to tell you," Kostek began, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

Florian, always absorbed in her pocket mirror, looked up, intrigued. Edham, the shy boy with a penchant for creating bubbles, shifted nervously.

"What is it, Kostek?" Florian asked, closing her mirror and giving him her full attention.

Taking a deep breath, Kostek focused on his newfound ability. He envisioned a barrier, a shimmering wall of energy forming before his eyes. To the astonishment of Florian and Edham, the barrier materialized, taking on intricate patterns and shapes at Kostek's will.

Florian gasped, her eyes wide, while Edham's bubbles popped in amazement. Kostek smiled, realizing that his power was not something mundane but extraordinary.

"I can create barriers," Kostek explained, waving his hand to dispel the energy field. "I don't know how or why, but it's like a part of me I never knew existed."

Edham, emboldened by Kostek's revelation, admitted, "I have a power too. I can create bubbles, but I'm not very good at controlling them."

The trio exchanged stories of their newfound abilities, marveling at the uniqueness of each power. Little did they know that this discovery would plunge them into a world far more complex and dangerous than they could imagine.

As they left the "blue park," the air around them seemed to ripple. A figure emerged from the shadows, a sinister grin stretching across his face. Kostek, Florian, and Edham tightened their guard, ready for whatever challenge awaited them.

The villain, clad in dark attire, stepped forward. "You three think you're special, don't you? But you're nothing compared to what's coming."

Without warning, the villain's body began to disintegrate. His limbs separated from the torso, and his head floated in mid-air, mocking them. It was a grotesque display of power-the ability to detach any part of his body without consequence.

Kostek summoned his barriers, Florian inspected her mirror with newfound intensity, and Edham struggled to control his bubbles. The battle against this dismembering villain was an unpredictable dance of powers colliding.

The villain's severed limbs floated around, attacking from various angles. Florian used her mirror to deflect incoming strikes, her reflection revealing the villain's unpredictable movements. Edham created protective bubbles, but the villain effortlessly passed through them, reassembling his body with disturbing ease.

Kostek, focused and determined, used his barriers strategically. As the villain's limbs lunged, Kostek erected barriers to intercept and redirect the attacks. The air crackled with energy as the trio coordinated their efforts, each showcasing their unique abilities.

Despite their best efforts, the villain proved resilient. The ability to separate and reattach his body parts gave him an advantage that was difficult to counter. The battle intensified, pushing the trio to the limits of their abilities.

As the confrontation reached its climax, Kostek, fueled by a surge of determination, encased the villain in a complex barrier, trapping him in a shimmering cage of energy. The villain struggled against the confines, but Kostek's mastery over his newfound power proved superior.

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