Y2V2: Last-Minute Adjustments

Start from the beginning

I went to my previous calls, and called a certain phone number.

But Yagami's phone didn't recieve the call.

"I see. Thank you for humouring me," I told him.

It seems like Yagami isn't the unknown caller. Still, I can't write him off entirely. There may always be two people from that place, after all.

"Sure thing, I guess?"

Standing up, I exited the room promptly.

* * *

It was Sunday morning now, I was walking around Keyaki Mall. This could've been my last time here. Well, second-last time. I was going bowling tomorrow before the trial. So I guess this could be my last time when I was alone.

That just sounds really depressing now that I think about it.

"Oh, Ayanokouji."

Turning around, I found Ichinose alongside two of her friends, those being Amikura and Shiranami.

"Hey. What are you guys doing?" I asked, trying my best to be casual.

"Ah, it's just someone's birthday soon. We were going to get him something," Ichinose answered.

I see.

"Ayanokouji is a guy, maybe we could ask him," Amikura suggested.

Well, I'm glad they noticed...

"Well, what does he like?" I asked.

The three mulled over that for a moment.


"Video games."


Well, that was a wide array of things. Honestly, I'd never been good at gift giving. I remember when I tried to give Kei something and it was entirely the wrong type of item.

"What about a gift card?"

Amikura's expression crunched up, "Nah, nah, nah. Gift card's are the biggest cop outs ever."

Hmm, I can see that. It's easy to get, and applicable to everyone.

"I'll be honest, gift giving is not a forte of mine," I sighed.

It's difficult. I don't want to ask somebody what they want, but at the same time, it's problematic if I buy them something that they don't necessarily like. Then both of us are unsatisfied.

But still, I didn't want to just give them a bad suggestion then leave.

"Why don't you guys ask Yosuke or Nagumo-senpai? They both seem pretty knowledgeable about soccer," I suggested.

"You see, the problem with that is... It's a great idea that I didn't think of," Ichinose sighed, pulling out her phone, "Sorry, I'll just call Nagumo-senpai quickly."

While Ichinose was doing that, Amikura and Shiranami were left to talk with me.




I really should learn more conversation starters.

"So I heard that on Monday, you have a trial thing, right?" Amikura asked casually, twirling her hair around her finger.

I nodded. I guess that's a topic that's been on most second year's minds. 

"So, like, how do you think you're gonna go?"

"I think I'll be fine, but I can't really know for sure," I sighed.

"Well, I just don't think you cheated, so I hope ya win," Amikura said with a small smile.

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