He sat down next to him and started to play with a loose thread on Eddie's comforter. He figured that his friend would start reading the comic book right away, but then Eddie put it aside and turned around to face Richie, who frowned at him.

"You're not gonna read it?"

"Later when I'm bored, right now I have you to keep me entertained."

Richie smirked at him, "Oh I know a thing or two we could entertain ourselves with."

Eddie rolled his eyes, "Beep beep, dickhead. Let's watch a movie. Bill lend me his copy of Ghostbusters the other day and I haven't had a chance to watch it."

"Sounds good to me. You get the movie and I get the popcorn?"

Eddie nodded and Richie went to the kitchen to make some popcorn while Eddie set everything up in the living room.

Since Eddie's task was faster he joined Richie in the kitchen shortly after. He didn't say anything, just stared at Richie in a way that made his skin prickle.

When it became too much, he said, "I know I'm fucking irresistible, Eds, but quit the staring."

"You wish" Eddie said, but he averted his eyes. "I just. I wanted to say thank you for the comic book."

"You already did."

Eddie shrugged, "I know but. I-"

Richie turned, they were face to face now and Eddie was looking at him as if deciding something on his head.

Then he closed the distance between the two of them and stood on his tiptoes long enough to place a kiss on Richie's cheek, "Thank you."

Richie's eyes widened but before he had to decide what to do or what to say, the microwave beeped, signaling that the popcorn was ready. Richie just stood there, staring at Eddie and feeling his cheeks starting to heat up.

"Uh, Rich. The popcorn is ready."

"What?" Richie said, dazed. Then the microwave beeped again and he remembered why he had been in the kitchen in the first place, "Right. The popcorn. Got it."

Then he turned his back to Eddie, face burning by now and trying to hide the stupid smile that appeared on his face.

Ok, maybe this had been his plan all along, sue him. He was just glad it had worked.

* * *

The third time it happened, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing but that didn't mean Richie wasn't aiming for the same result.

The losers were all going to Bill's house for a sleepover and since Eddie's house was between Richie's and Bill's, Richie picked Eddie up so they could walk together the rest of the way.

They stopped when Eddie noticed one of Richie's shoelaces was untied. He told him to tie it up because he didn't want to end up in the ER for a broken nose when Richie fell on his face after stepping on it.

While he was doing as Eddie said, Richie noticed they had stopped in front of a house with a front lawn covered in different flowers. Right next to where Richie was kneeling there was a patch of daises. On impulse, Richie picked a few and handed them to Eddie.

"Richie! What the hell?" Eddie exclaimed, looking around, worried that someone had seen Richie defile the perfectly cared-for lawn.

"If I had a garden, I'd put our two lips together" Richie said, shoving the flowers on his friend's face. Eddie only stared at him, his face blank. "Get it? Our two lips? Tulips?"

"Those are daisies, Richie" Eddie said, flatly.

Richie rolled his eyes, "Just take the damn flowers, Eds."

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