Chapter 8. A veteran's prowess and the ashes

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she saw her four starfighters doing ungodly maneuvers against the hoards of incoming siren jets even if the sirens themselves are speeding at mach 2.5, her fighters are slaughtering them so easily in one-sided battle, she then focused her attention to the large siren fleet infront of her while she's dodging and blocking several hits with her shield and she then returned fire with her rigging's primary turret heads, accurately hitting each of several siren ships and instantly destroying them, she checked the shield level on the projected holo display which shows that their attacks didn't even dented her shield.

Bismarck: (i swear. the power he bestowed to me is already powerful enough for me to defeat the simulation empress that's actually based on the empress he had fought and which i myself cannot hope to win before i received this upgrade, and now this. they didn't even scratched my defense.)

she was musing on the changes on her while her rigging's head turrets kept on accurately hitting their targets even on the furthest ships, she then launched her high mobility lancer missiles and after they have gained a distance they broke off into three submissiles each main body and the total number of submissiles that speed off to their target ships was three hundred and thirty missiles and a whole lot of enemies was instantly destroyed all at once which shocked her because she didn't expect a missile which is the same with the current experimental weapon they had, is capable of splitting itself into three smaller missiles but with destructive power greater than the royal navy's tall boy bomb.

Bismarck: "mein gott..... this destructive power is beyond what i could imagine..."

the whole scene was being recorded by gneisenau, while prinz Eugen and peter strasser was looking at the huge and successive explosions at a distance.

Prinz Eugen: "that was... much more destructive than our V2 missile.... no... not even close at all...."

Peter strasser: "i am as well... I don't want to be at the receiving end of her attacks as it's a death sentence already..."

they saw bismarck weaving in between enemy ships cleaving through their hulls like hot knife to a butter with her new pole while targeting farther ship with precision shot of her rigging's head turret pulverizing the unfortunate ship in one shot while launching a few salvo of meteorite missiles from her other cells, the siren jets attempted to shake it off and others deployed decoys but the missiles came straight to them ignoring their attempts and ultimately sealed their fate in an explosion of debris and fire, she took a hit and her shield flared up but still didn't even dented her shield and it remained 100 percent.

the three onlookers who had just finished their training had came to watch after seeing huge cloud of smoke and hearing several huge explosions, even odin who was on another side can't believe on how Bismarck literally trashed the supposedly siren enemy who was much stronger than the empress that v'lex had fought before.

Gneisenau: "i swear... her shields didn't even break after taking multiple shots even the orochi's shield would get destroyed if it took the same amount of hits."

they then looked and record at v'lex who simultaneously parrying the simulation empress's high speed attacks and shooting down incoming siren jets, even the missiles they launched get shot down by his four floating pulse cannon battery, every attack he parred he returned three times, his gauntlet fist then connected with her stomach and sent her flying several meters, she managed to land upright but before she could look at his position he was already behind her and kicked her up several hundred feet high and blasted her into oblivion with a salvo shot from his four pulse cannon battery, he proceeds to punch a hole on a nearby siren ship by ramming himself towards the said ship who was about to fire a shot at him and splitting the ship in half followed by several pulse cannon shot towards another wave of siren jets, he instantly lunged at the nearby battleship and plunged his hand on it's hull and lifted the siren battleship with one hand and throws the warship at a distant carrier, the impact had literally blown both warships into hundred bits of mangled metal.

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